Rental Equipment Cine Tv
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Zoom Arri Signature 65-300

Accompanying and matching ARRI Signature Primes, the four new Signature Zoom lenses render the most natural and beautiful images ever seen from a cine zoom. Designed for any large-format or Super 35 camera, they are uniformly fast at T2.8 and offer an unrivalled focal length range. Significant extension of the Signature lens family, with the same timeless look as Signature Primes. ARRI Signature lenses cover a focal length range of 12 mm to 510 mm, which is the largest in the industry. ARRI Signature Prime and Zoom Arri Signature 65-300 are equipped with the LPL (Large Positive Locking) lens mount. A wider diameter and shorter flange focal depth allow LPL lenses to be small and lightweight, with a fast T-stop and pleasing bokeh—a combination of features that would not be possible with the old PL lens mount. ARRI has shared LPL specifications openly and free-of-charge across the industry, establishing the LPL lens mount as a standard interface between cameras and lenses. ARRI LPL lens mounts are available for ALEXA 65, ALEXA LF, ALEXA Mini LF, ALEXA Classic/XT/SXT, ALEXA Mini and AMIRA cameras. In addition, third parties offer LPL lens mounts for cameras, director’s viewfinders, and lens testing tools, so ARRI Signatures and other LPL lenses can be universally used.

  • Same timeless look as Signature Primes
  • Smooth and flattering flesh tones
  • Elegant out-of-focus highlights
  • No ramping – consistent exposure through all focal lengths
  • Unchanging image quality across the zoom and iris ranges
  • Minimal color aberration
  • The high image quality means these zooms can be used in more situations, saving time
  • Shaped and honed flares mean fewer delays
  • Lightweight design means quicker setups
  • Exceptional close-focus means reduced lens changes
  • Designed for any format up to full frame and any camera
  • Ideal for HDR, with superb color rendition and shadow detail 
  • 8K resolution for future requirements
  • ARRI build quality for long product life