The growing demand for vintage Cooke Speed Panchro lenses from the 1920s to 1960s prompted us to introduce a modern redesign of the vintage classic. We are pleased to introduce Cooke Panchro/i Classic, T2.2 to T3.2 Prime lenses.
Our new Cooke Panchro/i, that is true to the original look of the now legendary Speed Panchro, recreates the same look and feel of the original with the advantage of modern glass mounted for today’s cameras. And, the new lenses come equipped with /i Technology for frame by frame digital information capture, as do all modern Cooke cine lenses for film and digital capture
Our Cooke Panchro/i Classic lenses are supplied with /i Technology that collect detailed lens data for production, VFX and post-production teams and are designed for all PL mounted professional motion picture film and electronic cameras. The /i Technology provides cinematographers and camera operators with vital information on lens setting, focusing distance, aperture and depth-of-field, hyperfocal distance, serial number, owner data, lens type and focal length in both metric and footage measurements, as well as inertial tracking data, shading and distortion data. For zoom lenses, the zoom position is displayed.