Arri Signature Prime
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Arri Signature Prime

Arri Signature Primes | Rec Roma - Large Format Prime Lenses

Ranging from 12mm to 280mm, the Arri Signature Prime lenses offer a unique look never seen before in cinema. Warm, smooth skin; open shadows with crisp blacks; and bokeh like looking through a window in the rain. The timeless look of Signature Primes will never go out of style. The ARRI Signature Prime range is the first to incorporate ARRI’s next-generation LDS-2 Lens Data System, with high data rates and absolute encoders for fast initializing. LDS-2 extends the possibilities of lens data and can be licensed to other lens and camera manufacturers. Any material can be used to make a filter, from tinfoil and fishing line to stockings, wrapping paper, and vintage fabrics—each of them affecting bokeh, flaring and diffusion in different ways. Alternatively, glass elements can be used to simulate vintage lenses, with images sharp in the center but deteriorating in the corners. Simply visit your local optician with a filter holder and ask them to fit a close-up lens of whatever strength, coating or tint you want to try. The filter holder is magnetic, allowing fast and easy changes between looks, with no tools needed. An additional way to explore different looks with the Signature Primes is to use ARRI’s uncoated replacement front element, which can be fitted by the user in just a few minutes to increase flaring, ghosting and reflections.
ARRI Signature Prime and Signature Zoom lenses are equipped with the LPL (Large Positive Locking) lens mount. A wider diameter and shorter flange focal depth allow LPL lenses to be small and lightweight, with a fast T-stop and pleasing bokeh—a combination of features that would not be possible with the old PL lens mount.
ARRI has shared LPL specifications openly and free-of-charge across the industry, establishing the LPL lens mount as a standard interface between cameras and lenses. ARRI LPL lens mounts are available for ALEXA 65, ALEXA LF, ALEXA Mini LF, ALEXA Classic/XT/SXT, ALEXA Mini and AMIRA cameras. In addition, third parties offer LPL lens mounts for cameras, director’s viewfinders, and lens testing tools, so ARRI Signatures and other LPL lenses can be universally used.

  • Warm smooth skin tones
  • Open shadows with crisp blacks
  • Exceptionally soft bokeh for increased sense of separation
  • Soft and delicate flares
  • Unparalleled flexibility with magnetic rear filter holder
  • 16 matched primes from 12 to 280 mm
  • Fine details beautifully rendered
  • No visible focus breathing and no distortion for easy tracking
  • Minimal chromatic aberration for a perfect key

Lenses Available

18mm - T. 1.8

21mm - T. 1.8

29mm - T. 1.8

35mm - T. 1.8

47mm - T. 1.8

58mm - T. 1.8

75mm - T. 1.8

95mm - T. 1.8

125mm - T. 1.8

150mm - T. 1.8

200mm - T. 2.5