Director’s Viewfinder
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Denz Director’s Viewfinder

Viewfinder Denz 2 | Rec Rental - Mdp Accessories

The DENZ Director’s Viewfinder OIC-35 (Optical Image Control) is an indispensable tool for any director, cameraman or gaffer.

  • Denz Director’s Viewfinder available with PL- or Panavision-Mount
  • Super 35mm ground glass (not available at DENZ) arri 435/535
  • Eyepiece with a linear extension (diopter -4 / +3.5) for right and left viewing
  • Ergonomically designed handles for right and left, as well as the Universal-Handle made from olive wood.
  • The handles are designed so that the weight of the OIC-35 is distributed on the thumb and index finger, not the hand.
  • Articulation for ideal adjustment of the handle
  • ¼“ threaded hole on the underside of the handle for a monopod
  • Adjustable balance point thanks to a support bracket

Arri Director’s Viewfinder

Viewfinder Arri | Rec Rental - Mdp Accessories

The Arri Director’s Viewfinder (PL Mount) is a compact handheld unit for viewing through the lens without the need for a camera. Ground Glasses are the standard ARRIFLEX 435 frame with hundreds of 35mm formats available. Ground Glass for RED shooters with both the 4K 16:9 and 2.1 active sensor area frame lines available. Custom formats using the ARRI Ground Glass On Demand Composer are also possible.

Alan Gordon Mark V

Viewfinder Alan Gordon | Rec Rental - Mdp Accessories

The ACADEMY AWARD® Winning and Emmy® Winning Alan Gordon Mark V Director’s Viewfinder accurately defines choice of lenses, angles and coverage in a wide variety of formats for both film and video. It continues to be the choice of renowned directors and cinematographers worldwide.