Led Systems
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GrandMA3 Light

GrandMA3 Light | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The grandMA3 light console is the work-horse of the range. It provides the perfect combination of power and physical size. The grandMA3 light console is suitable for all but the most demanding productions, making it probably the most versatile lighting console available. Featuring 60 physical playbacks, 16 assignable x-keys and a dedicated master area the grandMA3 light console provides plenty of playback options. Huge multi-touch screen real-estate provides instant access to programming tools and is fully configurable to suit individual needs. The two letterbox screens are context sensitive and dedicated to providing feedback and options for the grandMA3 light console playback and encoder hardware.
The grandMA3 light console includes 16 384 control parameters as standard, ensuring that it is the perfect base platform for the world’s most prestigious entertainment lighting applications. The system size is scalable to 250 000 parameters with the use of additional grandMA3 processing units. The grandMA3 light is compatible with grandMA2 and grandMA3 software. The hardware is ergonomically optimized and can be considered a silent version by default. The grandMA3 lighting control consoles offer a fresh user interface with an optimized command area for intuitive and fast access. The grandMA3 consoles features dual encoders, which provide users with intuitive control of additional features and functions. Feature-mapping of the dual encoders will be customizable, facilitating ease of use and faster programming.
Long-life motorized playback faders are used across the entire grandMA3 console range. The faders incorporate a color-changing light pipe. All playbacks have direct access to button pushes as well as intensity and timing changes thanks to the new rotary RGB backlit encoders. The grandMA3 operating system is completely new and has been designed to feel more welcoming to fresh converts without alienating existing grandMA programmers. Extensive user feedback has been incorporated to ensure the new functionality address’ the real world needs of the MA family. The fundamental syntax of the grandMA2 has been preserved and extended to facilitate the new functionality.

The grandMA3 software has an elegant new system-architecture incorporating new fixture, feature and effects-handling at its very heart. These ground-breaking concepts from top industry visionaries, are presented within a refined user interface, and are designed to make practical tasks more intuitive. Selecting fixtures, adjusting values, storing presets and playing back cues should all feel familiar, but improved in many details of the process. Better overview, faster access and more accurate information will create an improved user experience in programming and busking a show.

  • Real-time control for up to 250 000 parameters per session in connection with grandMA3 processing units
  • 6 DMX outputs, 1 DMX input
  • 2 internal foldable monitor multi-touch screens
  • 2 internal letterbox multi-touch screens
  • 2 internal multi-touch command screens
  • 2 external multi-touch screens can be connected
  • 41 rotary RGB backlit encoder
  • 5 backlit dual encoders
  • 15 backlit motorized 60 mm faders
  • 60 separate playbacks
  • 16 assignable x-keys
  • Integrated keyboard drawer
  • Built-in uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
  • 3 etherCON connectors, 6 USB connectors
  • 2 backlit motorized A/B faders 100 mm
  • Individually backlit and dimmable silent (clickless) keys

Nanlite Forza 720B

Nanlite Forza 720B | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Nanlite Forza 720B Infinite possibilità di modellamento della luce Tutti gli accessori con attacco Bowens progettati per i riflettori della serie Forza possono essere collegati senza problemi con Forza 720/720B, incluso l’attacco per proiezione PJ-BM e altri strumenti generici per modellare la luce con attacco Bowens sul mercato. Potenza ovunque senza paura di trasportare Le riprese senza limiti di spazio per Nanlite Forza 720B possono essere facilmente consentite dalla doppia soluzione di alimentazione di AC&DC, inoltre può essere alimentato collegandolo direttamente alla presa domestica. Quando si scarica la batteria, con due piastre batteria con montaggio a V su entrambi i lati li rendono la scelta ideale per le riprese all’aperto e in movimento. Un nuovissimo cavo di connessione è stato sviluppato dopo aver ascoltato il feedback degli utenti. L’utilizzo di esperienze e fattori di sicurezza è stato ulteriormente ottimizzato in dettaglio con connettori più stabili e cavi più lunghi. Batterie: 2 batterie da 14,8 V: l’output può arrivare fino al 40% 2 batterie da 26 V: l’output può arrivare fino al 65% Sistema di raffreddamento ultra silenzioso Il sistema di raffreddamento ultra silenzioso ottimizzato per la gestione del suono può limitare il rumore della ventola a un livello inconcepibile mantenendo la piena potenza. Gli utenti possono concentrarsi completamente sulla creazione degli effetti di luce desiderati senza problemi. Gli utenti possono anche scegliere di spegnere la ventola tramite il controllo di bordo/APP NANLINK per ottenere un livello di decibel zero per produzioni speciali che richiedono silenziosità assoluta. Qualità costruttiva premium Sia la testa della lampada che l’unità di controllo sono dotate di una robusta struttura in metallo per una protezione generale. Nell’unità di controllo è stato integrato un booster di antenna sporgente per la ricezione e la trasmissione di segnali Bluetooth e 2.4G. La clamp a sgancio rapido può fissare saldamente l’unità di controllo sul supporto della luce e supportare il meccanismo di sgancio rapido. Potenti controlli per una perfetta integrazione Nanlite Forza 720B è dotato di un dimming continuo da 0-100% con incrementi di 0,1, garantendo fluidità nel controllo della luce. La connessione stabile con l’APP NANLINK è una cosa sicura con i doppi moduli integrati di 2.4G e Bluetooth. La funzionalità DMX/RDM può anche offrire soluzioni digitali per la produzione audiovisiva, mentre una porta USB-A aggiuntiva può fornire alimentazione al ricevitore DMX wireless.


Nanlite Forza 300B

Nanlite Forza 300B | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

NANLITE svela i nuovi Forza 300 II e Nanlite Forza 300B II con piena sincerità per fornire ai creatori di foto e video soluzioni di illuminazione più professionali, indipendentemente dal fatto che si tratti di un team di produzione commerciale di piccole e medie dimensioni o di singoli ritrattisti.
Caratteristiche: – Nanlite Forza 300B Illumina in modi diversi Forza II segue lo stesso percorso nel design COB con Forza per offrire luce di alta qualità con omogeneità. Viene aggiunto un vetro protettivo per escludere dall’intrusione esterna. L’elevazione simultanea dell’efficienza luminosa e dell’efficacia luminosa si traduce in un livello di illuminamento gratificante, nessuna preoccupazione per la perdita di potenza per il compromesso del bicolore. – Tonalità della pelle con precisione millimetrica (G/M ±100) Con la regolazione G/M±100 raramente vista nei prodotti simili sul mercato, Forza 300 II e Forza 300B II possono regolare G/M da soli o abbinare altre fonti di luce senza sforzo per gestire vari possibili scenari di ripresa con la massima tranquillità. – Nanlite Forza 300B in un altro fattore di forma L’unità di controllo assume il nuovo aspetto per Forza II. La maggiore compattezza riduce il volume complessivo del 37% rispetto al Forza 300/300B. Piastre batteria V-mount posizionate su entrambi i lati dell’unità di controllo, offrendo maggiore compatibilità per batterie di diverse dimensioni. Il meccanismo di bloccaggio unilaterale sul giogo migliora l’utente esperienza con più scorrevolezza. Il design curvo lascia più spazio per strumenti di modellatura leggeri per impieghi gravosi. La piastra a sgancio rapido inclusa nell’unità di controllo e super clamp fornito di serie offre maggiore adattabilità e robustezza dell’unità su stativi o tralicci sia rotondi che quadrati. – Metodi di controllo ben studiati 1. Controllo wireless Entrambe le versioni, daylight e bicolore sono integrate in 2.4G e Bluetooth moduli per una connessione APP NANLINK senza soluzione di continuità. 2. Controllo filo La porta USB può alimentare facilmente il ricevitore DMX wireless (5V1A). Controllo DMX. Supporta il controllo DMX/RMD tramite connessione cablata per incontrarsi richieste di controllo stabile delle luci in gruppo per un’illuminazione più complessa impostare.


Nanolux Evoke 1200

Nanolux Evoke 1200 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

NANLUX introduces the all-new Nanolux Evoke 1200. A groundbreaking 1.2kW LED spot light which blends unprecedented levels of crisp, bright LED illumination with multiple configuration options.

The Nanolux Evoke 1200 delivers stunning levels of flicker free, controllable light , comparable to that of a 1.8kW PAR or 2.5kW HMI Fresnel.

Functional design, robust construction and IP54 rating makes the Evoke ideal for use in almost any conditions. Fully controllable, the EVOKE 1200 supports both wired and wireless control via NANLINK APP, DMX/RDM, Bluetooth and Lumenradio TimoTwo.

The Nanolux Evoke 1200 is compatible with a selection of lighting shaping tools, accessories and modifiers. The large aperture and sturdy fixings of the NL mount allows the user to quickly switch between optics to sculpture, shape and modify the output with absolutely no compromise in beam quality, color or intensity.

The Evoke 1200 has been developed by the NANLUX technical team. By listening to our customers feedback and carefully studying the needs of the end user, we have been able to create a truly versatile fixture that delivers powerful, flexible output, in almost any conditions. With a perfect balance of simple, intuitive operation, with versatile, controllable output, plus the capability and convenience of LEDillumination, the Evoke 1200 is all the light you need.


Nanolux Evoke 900

Nanolux Evoke 900 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Nanolux Evoke 900 Ever since its establishment, NANLUX has been pushing the boundaries of technology and integrating it into products in order to bring users creative tools with higher efficiency and possibility. NANLUX is in constant communication with users within the industry to explore new possibilities for products. As an answer to the expectation of full color and powerful point source lighting, the Evoke 900C arrives. Equipped with RGBLAC color mixing system and Art-Net/sACN controls, the Evoke 900C is capable of delivering realistic lighting while fitting perfectly into virtual production.

As a point source LED, a quick switch between soft and hard light can be easily achieved on the Evoke 900C via attaching different modifiers. Flooding, spotting and cutting are also a sure thing in order to provide more light shaping freedom for image making.

For virtual production, which has unlimited potential in the future of production, the Nanolux Evoke 900 will make the presentation with more natural looks, create realistic and natural light, thus greatly improve shooting efficiency.

The Nanolux Evoke 900 is adopted with the state-of-the-art RGBLAC six color mixing system — adding Lime, Amber and Cyan on base of the primary colors RGB, reaching a new altitude in color accuracy.

In today’s rapidly upgrading image-related technology, virtual production brings a new possibility by utilizing intelligent lighting systems, arc LED screen and virtual rendering system — the corresponding perspectives and images in the virtual space can be presented through screen and lighting effects by capturing and computing the movement of the camera in real-time, so that the actors and crews can have a immersive feeling in action. As an intelligent lighting, the Evoke 900C provides various lighting effects in the form of point source lighting with full color functionality, and achieve connections and integration in a higher level via specially developed DMX mode and Ethernet control combining with virtual rendering system.


Astera NYX Bulb

Astera NYX Bulb | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Astera NYX Bulb – The first color-tunable LED bulb for professional film, stage and event productions. Not bigger than a normal LED bulb, it contains a CRMX receiver as well as RF and Bluetooth modules for the AsteraApp. It can be powered via lamp socket or with a standard power bank and thanks to its Titan LED engine it displays precise colors and white tones with ultra-high CRI and TLCI. Available in white and black.

Astera NYX Bulb can be screwed in and powered by lamp sockets just like any other light bulb. To comply with international standards it is available in 3 different versions: E26, E27 & B22.

On the NYX Bulbs’s side we have included a DC socket for 5~18VDC power so it can be used whenever AC power is not available. The Astera PowerStation as well as a standard power bank can be used to power a bulb for several hours. Also available is an adapter cable for D-tap batteries.

How to control:
1) App Control | AsteraApp offers intuitive and fast control of complex lighting setups and is also used for preparation and monitoring of our lights.
2) Wireless DMX | All Astera lights contain a wireless DMX module by LumenRadio, enabling them to be controlled by CRMX and W-DMX transmitters alongside other wireless fixtures. The AsteraBox has built-in CRMX and can be used to transmit DMX data to your lights.
3) Power Station | The optionally available PowerStation can be used as an external display for NYX Bulbs. Connect it and set a color, DMX address etc which the NYX Bulb will remember when disconnected.



Desisti Euterpe | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

EUTERPE, Belonging to the AIR element, the MELODIOUS LIGHT – EUTERPE (The MUSIC) is a constant alimentation source of human transcendence on the sacred soil of life.
She, just her, with her sounds pushes us to reach the original purity and harmony with things, to introspection, to simplicity. It is with the juxtaposition of Music that Man approaches his nature trascendental, to her natural serenity of Being.
Contemplated, Euterpe can help to lead us towards the realization of the truth, to intuit the sense of Cosmic Harmony.
EUTERPE just her, with its sound drives us to reach the original purity and harmony with things, introspection, to simplicity, to the primal figure de: “Octahedron”, behind “The OCTAGON” HARMONIOUS light. A geometric shape symbol of the “New day”, the eighth announcing the Eternity, The OCTAGON carries with it the symbol of the INFINITE.

  • Size 80×80 cm – Weight: Head 23 Kg – Driver 7,5 Kg
  • Upcoming dimensions 40×40 cm
  • Tunable White 2.700°K / 6.500°K
  • Power 540W
  • DMX controlled WIDE FLOOD
  • Beam angle 66°
  • Input 90-250V 50-60Hz
  • Illumination at 10 mt distance 488 Lux / 45.34 FC


Desisti Erato | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

ERATO, like Sister Polymnia, belongs to the water Element. With a particular LIGHT MANIFESTANT, ERATO is POETRY. Her presence is approached to us to make us appreciate the Lyric Poetry that we so much need and that from time to time sometimes comes out in our dreams. She creates, with her presence, a pervasive omnipresence of expansion of Knowledge. It has the mission to show us and make us learn beauty, making contact with the imagination one of the most important meanings of life. Every Poet, Painter, Sculptor, Musician, every Artist in reality, who has seen in her expression the more intimate sense of “Beauty”, always did it with the hand, the eyes, the thought, the imagination…. guided by Erato.
ERATO the enlargement of the geometrical forms of the Exedron, gives birth to the figure of “THE EXAGON” of LIGHT REVEALING. Its LIGHT SOFFUSE, SOFT, slightly WRAPPED, expresses itself with a sense of enlargement that fascinates the poets.

  • Size 70×60 cm
  • Weight: Head 16 Kg – Driver 2,5 Kg
  • Upcoming dimensions 35×30 cm
  • Tunable White 2.700°K / 6.500°K
  • Power to LED 360W
  • DMX controlled MEDIUM FLOOD
  • Beam angle 34°
  • Input 90-250V 50-60Hz
  • Illumination at 10 mt distance 1.029 Lux / 95.60 FC

Aurea Small

Desisti Aurea Small | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Aurea Small – The Muses of Light is the innovative range by De Sisti studied and designed to operate the best in cinema and location.
The range offers the best solution for any situation possible, with lumi- naires that go from narrow spot to full flood and tunable CCT, from 2700 to 6500 K°. Every fixture has its own definite geometric shape, it is characterized by a very high energy efficiency, extreme versatility of use and can be operated both manually and via DMX.
The Lighting Fixture is DMX Controlled for: * 0 to 100% with a super smooth Dimming (over 40.000 dimming points between 0 and 100) • Super precise CONTINOUS MODE for CCT control for every 50 K°. The Muses of Light – AUREA Small, the CIRCLE, combines high-power input (500W) to a very precise NARROW SPOT optic, with a beam angle of (?) degrees that provides up to (max value) at 10 mt distance.

The Muses of Light – Aurea.mp4



Vortex 8 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The Vortex8 is a versatile 2×1 RGBW system with CCT ranging from 2200K to 15000K that can be used as a hard punch light to bounce or push through diffusion, or as a creamy soft light with the Creamsource Dome or DoPchoice Snapbag. Effects and colour Gels are built into the latest CreamOS architecture in addition to a range of new features wrapped into an intuitive user interface.
Unpredictable weather and messy effects machines are no longer a worry for the lighting department where the Vortex is in place. The Vortex8 is IP65 water resistant and sealed for the ultimate security and efficiency. Rain, snow and dust wont hold the Vortex back.
The new Vortex8 has been built with new software architecture at its base, supporting a myriad of new features, protocols and connectivity mediums making the future evolution of CreamOS very exciting. The new feature set has been wrapped into a new user interface, enhancing the user experience.<-p>

  • Head Weight: 15.9kg / 35lb (Excluding Yoke)- 1.72kg / 3.8lb (Yoke weight)
  • Dimensions: 380 x 380 x 121mm / 15” x 15” x 4.8” (Excluding Yoke) – 831x551x164mm/32.7”x21.7”x6.4” (Including Yoke)
  • Protection Class: IP65
  • Beam Angle Naked: 20°
  • Maximum Ambient Temperature: 40°C
  • Features: A premium high powered 2×1 LED fixture designed for heavy use in all conditions.
    IP65 Water resistant with a built in power supply and all the advanced connectivity for professional use.
    Optimised for a range of applications with RGBW, a wide CCT range and high speed modes for shooting up to 5000fps.
    Sync Input for Triggering and Syncing to Camera Shutter.
  • Output: 650W of LED power providing the equivalent output to a HMI 1.2Kw Fresnel.
    A native 20° beam angle for extreme punch and intensity. This can be diffused with the Creamsource Dome.
    With the high power output an active cooling system is in place with nearly silent fans and effective heat dissipation through the machined chassis.


Vortex 4 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The Vortex4 is a 1×1 RGBW All-In-One system with PSU and antennas integrated, reading 7300lux @3m on the meter. This fixture has a CCT range from 2200K to 15000K. Vortex can be used as a hard light or soft light with the Creamsource Diffuser or Dome.

Effects and colour gels and our latest technology ‘FrameSync’ are built into the latest CreamOS architecture. Like it’s big brother, Vortex4 has no problem with weather, messy effects machines or extreme dust. The Vortex4 is IP65 water resistant and sealed for the ultimate security and efficiency.
Combining years of expertise, the Vortex Series have been redesigned with new software architecture, supporting industry standard features, protocols and connectivity mediums making the future evolution of CreamOS very exciting. The new feature set has been wrapped into a new user interface, enhancing the user experience.<-p>

  • Head Weight: 9.9kg / 21.8lb (Excluding Yoke)- 1.72kg / 3.8lb (Yoke weight)
  • Dimensions: 380 x 380 x 121mm / 15” x 15” x 4.8” (Excluding Yoke) – 525 x 570 x 179.25mm / 20.7” x 22.4” x 7.1” (Including Yoke)
  • Protection Class: IP65
  • Beam Angle Naked: 20°
  • Maximum Ambient Temperature: 40°C
  • Features: A premium high powered 1×1 LED fixture designed for heavy use in all conditions.
    IP65 Water resistant with a built in power supply and all the advanced connectivity for professional use.
    Optimised for a range of applications with RGBW, a wide CCT range and high speed modes for shooting up to 5000fps.
    Sync Input for Triggering and Syncing to Camera Shutter.
  • Output: 325W of LED power providing the equivalent output to a HMI 575W Fresnel.
    A native 20° beam angle for extreme punch and intensity. This can be diffused with the Creamsource Dome.
    With the high power output an active cooling system is in place with nearly silent fans and effective heat dissipation through the machined chassis.

Dmg Dash Quad Kit

Dmg Dash Quad | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Dmg Dash Quad Kit – Featuring MIX® Technology With True Rosco Color™ Inside. DMG DASH is the smallest member of Rosco’s MIX® Family of LED lights. Its compact design provides filmmakers with high quality light output and precise color control from a durable, handheld light fixture.

The DMG DASH Quad Kit contains four complete DMG DASH Pocket LED Kits inside a durable carrying case. Because each individual Pocket LED Kit comes with a full set of magnetized beam-shaping and mounting accessories – every Quad Kit is loaded with four of everything, including Flat Diffusers, Dome Diffusers, Eggcrates, Gel Holders, Light Stand Mounts, Magnetic Mounts, Charging Cables, and Cases. The Quad Kit also includes a DMG DASH LINK4 that connects the four lights in the kit together. This allows filmmakers to deploy and control their four DMG DASH units independently, or link and control them as a single, larger light source.

  • Lux @ 1m (3.3 ft.) 250 Lux @ 6500K
  • Lux @ 1m (3.3 ft.) – Boost Mode 320 Lux @ 6500K
  • Maximum Power 14W
  • Battery Runtime Three Hours at 100% Intensity (Less In Boost Mode)
  • LED Colors Red, Green, Blue, Lime, Amber, White (4000K)
  • Light Modes WHITE / GEL (with True Rosco Color Gel Matches) /
    COLOR – HSI & XY (With Rec 709 & Rec 2020 overlays) /
  • Color Temperature 1700K – 10,000K
  • Color Rendering CRI Average: >95 TLCI Average: >90
  • Flicker-Free Up To 1,000 FPS
  • On-Board Control Local UI: 1.3″ OLED Graphical Display – 128px x 64px
  • Wireless Control Bluetooth BLE via the myMIX® Mobile App – Available for iOS / Android
    Wireless DMX (CRMX model only):
    LumenRadio with CRMX and W-DMX control, plus RDM
  • Size 5″ x 3.1″ x 1.1″ (12.8cm x 8cm x 2.8cm)
  • Weight 12.8 oz (367g)
  • Body Material Aluminum Alloy
  • Outdoor Rating Weather-Resistant – IP65
  • Charging Connector USB Type-C

Mini Mix

Minimix | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The patented MIX technology features a proprietary blend of six LEDs: Red + Lime + Green + Blue + Amber + White. This enables the MINI MIX fixture to generate a wide gamut of colors and create accurate Rosco gel matches that have been authenticated by Rosco’s color experts.

The MINI MIX allows filmmakers to add colored accent lighting wherever they need it. The ultra-thin, lightweight fixture features a powerful array of emitters that can produce virtually any color desired – anywhere its needed on set.

Set lighting technicians know that speed is of the essence when the cameras are rolling. There are no complicated menus on the MINI MIX. Simply choose between three different modes: White Mode, Gel Mode and Color Mode, then choose the color temperature, hue or Rosco gel color desired and adjust as-needed. All of these features are available using the fixture’s on-board controls, or via the myMIX app from your mobile device.

  • Part Ref – MINI-MIX
  • Part Name – Mini MIX
  • Metric Size – 58.5 x 20.5 x 3.7 cm
  • Metric Weight – 2.56 kg
  • Imperial Size – 23 x 8 x 1.4 ‘’
  • Imperial Weight – 5.6 lb
  • Max Power – 100 W
  • Type of LED – 3030
  • Number of LEDs – 288 (6×48)
  • CRI (Color Rendering Index) – CRI Average > 95 / TLCI Average > 90
  • Lux @ 1 metre (3ft) (without any diffuser) – 2100 @3200 / 2260 @5600
  • Lux @ 3 metres (10ft) (without any diffuser) – 250 @3200 / 266 @5600
  • Color temperature (with diffuser) – 1700°K to 10000°k
  • Battery Powered – Yes (any source from 12 to 35 VDC)
  • Body Material – 100% Aluminum (except screws)
  • Circuit Board Material – 100% Aluminum

Desisti Super Led F14

Desisti F14 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Desisti Super Led F14 – It utilizes a true Fresnel lens made of high quality, shock resistant borosilicate glass. Plastics lenses may discolor over time negatively affecting both output and color temperature. Glass is consistent, resilient to heat and offers better uniformity in beam protection. Our internationally patented optical system optimizes the LED source. The reflector design in combination with a Fresnel lens gives us the highest optical efficiency in the industry. The Desisti Super Led F10 is able to achieve similar outputs to our competitors with half the power requirements. Our Desisti Super Led F14 Fresnels produce the exact light you’ve come to expect from a traditional Fresnel. We use Self Stabilizing Silent Active Cooling technology. The speed of the fan is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, automatically adjusting the temperature of the LED Array to 65°. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM. A unit must always be silent when it operates, not only with the fans switched off. The Desisti Super Led F14 Fresnel are ready to use around the world with auto sensing power supplies accepting voltages from 90-250 volts. You can expect the highest color quality from the De Sisti Super LED Fresnels with CRI & TLCI values above 95 throughout the rsnge. The result ensure maximum compatibiity of the light emitted by the devices with optical cameras that have no need for further adjustments,

F14VW Vari-White | White light, with Tunable Correlated Color Temperature from 2.800 to 6.600°K
The Lighting Fixture is DMX Controlled from 0 to 100% with a super smooth Dimming and a negligible variation of Colour Temperature while controlling the Light intensity.

  • Continuous light output at any dimming level. Flicker free up to 40,000 fps. We power our LED array via DC current rather than PWM technology used by our competitors
  • Same characteristics as a traditional Fresnel: single shadows, spot/flood focus range and exceptional barndoor control
  • CRI and TLCI greater than 96 with no shift in color temperature when dimming
  • High efficiency self stabilizing silent active cooling: Automatic, thermal stabilization of the LED operating temperature is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, variable speed fans and heat sink to maintain the LED Array’s constant temperature at a maximum of 65°C / 149°F. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM
  • Interchangeable accessories with our conventional range of Tungsten and HMI Fresnels
  • All De Sisti Fresnel Series utilize a new Universal Voltage and “Power Factor Corrected” Power Supply (PF=0.96)
  • Continuous light output at any dimming level. Flicker free up to 40,000 fps. We power our LED array via DC Current rather than PWM technology used by our competitors
  • Same characteristics as a traditional Fresnel: single shadows, spot/flood focus range and exceptional barndoor control
  • CRI and TLCI greater than 96 with no shift in color temperature when dimming
  • High efficiency self stabilizing silent active cooling: Automatic, thermal stabilization of the LED operating temperature is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, variable speed fans and heat sink to maintain the LED Array’s constant temperature at a maximum of 65°C / 149°F. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM
  • Interchangeable accessories with our conventional range of Tungsten and HMI Fresnels
  • All De Sisti Fresnel Series utilize a ne w Universal Voltage and “Power Factor Corrected” Power Supply (PF=0.96)

Desisti Super Led F10

Desisti F10 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Desisti Super Led F10 – It utilizes a true Fresnel lens made of high quality, shock resistant borosilicate glass. Plastics lenses may discolor over time negatively affecting both output and color temperature. Glass is consistent, resilient to heat and offers better uniformity in beam protection. Our internationally patented optical system optimizes the LED source. The reflector design in combination with a Fresnel lens gives us the highest optical efficiency in the industry. The Desisti Super Led F10 is able to achieve similar outputs to our competitors with half the power requirements. Our Desisti Super Led F10 Fresnels produce the exact light you’ve come to expect from a traditional Fresnel. We use Self Stabilizing Silent Active Cooling technology. The speed of the fan is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, automatically adjusting the temperature of the LED Array to 65°. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM. A unit must always be silent when it operates, not only with the fans switched off. The Desisti Super Led F10 Fresnel are ready to use around the world with auto sensing power supplies accepting voltages from 90-250 volts. You can expect the highest color quality from the De Sisti Super LED Fresnels with CRI & TLCI values above 95 throughout the rsnge. The result ensure maximum compatibiity of the light emitted by the devices with optical cameras that have no need for further adjustments,

F10VW Vari-White | White light, with Tunable Correlated Color Temperature from 2.800 to 6.600°K
The Lighting Fixture is DMX Controlled from 0 to 100% with a super smooth Dimming and a negligible variation of Colour Temperature while controlling the Light intensity.

  • Continuous light output at any dimming level. Flicker free up to 40,000 fps. We power our LED array via DC current rather than PWM technology used by our competitors
  • Same characteristics as a traditional Fresnel: single shadows, spot/flood focus range and exceptional barndoor control
  • CRI and TLCI greater than 96 with no shift in color temperature when dimming
  • High efficiency self stabilizing silent active cooling: Automatic, thermal stabilization of the LED operating temperature is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, variable speed fans and heat sink to maintain the LED Array’s constant temperature at a maximum of 65°C / 149°F. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM
  • Interchangeable accessories with our conventional range of Tungsten and HMI Fresnels
  • All De Sisti Fresnel Series utilize a new Universal Voltage and “Power Factor Corrected” Power Supply (PF=0.96)

Desisti Super Led F4.7

Desisti F47 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The Desisti Super Led F4.7 utilizes a true Fresnel lens made of high quality, shock resistant borosilicate glass. Plastics lenses may discolor over time negatively affecting both output and color temperature. Glass is consistent, resilient to heat and offers better uniformity in beam protection. Our internationally patented optical system optimizes the LED source. The reflector design in combination with a Fresnel lens gives us the highest optical efficiency in the industry. De Sisti is able to achieve similar outputs to our competitors with half the power requirements. Our Super LED Fresnels produce the exact light you’ve come to expect from a traditional Fresnel. We use Self Stabilizing Silent Active Cooling technology. The speed of the fan is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, automatically adjusting the temperature of the LED Array to 65°. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM. A unit must always be silent when it operates, not only with the fans switched off. The Desisti Super Led F4.7 Fresnel are ready to use around the world with auto sensing power supplies accepting voltages from 90-250 volts. You can expect the highest color quality from the De Sisti Super LED Fresnels with CRI & TLCI values above 95 throughout the rsnge. The result ensure maximum compatibiity of the light emitted by the devices with optical cameras that have no need for further adjustments,

F4.7 Vari-White | High efficiency Fresnel lens spotlight
The innovative variable white Phosphors LED ARRAY provides the ability to modulate the Correlated Colour Temperature from a minimum of 2.800°K to a Maximum of 6.600°K with an enhanced CRI (Colour Rendering Index) higher than 94 at any CCT within the range.

  • CRI higher than 95 at any CCT throughout the range
  • Universal A/C input voltage from 90-250V
  • High quality, shock resistant borosilicate glass Fresnel lens on spring supports
  • Smooth 100-0% dimming via DMX 512 with no shift in color temperature
  • High efficiency self stabilizing silent active cooling: automatic, thermal stabilization of the LED operating temperature is managed by an internal thermal sensor and CPU, variable speed fan and heat sink to maintain the LED array’s constant temperature at a maximum of 65°C. The hydro dynamic bearing fan operates silently with a very low RPM
  • Helix Screw driven focus mechanism which guides the LED engine via teflon bushings along 2 rods. This ensures smooth operation during focusing in any tilting position of the fixture
  • Available with either positive lock manual yokes for comfort and ease of handling or pole operated yokes which can be used via the lighting pole for panning and tilting of the lights
  • Modular design construction for maintenance and future upgrades

Desisti Piccoletto

Desisti Piccoletto | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

It was the nickname given to Mario De Sisti the beloved founder of DeSisti by the Cinecittà Studio gaffers in the 1950’s when Mario started working at age ten. Piccoletto in Italian translates to Very Small. The Desisti Piccoletto commemorates Mario DeSisti’s exceptional career and achievements in the professional lighting industry as a designer and innovator. The Desisti Piccoletto name is engraved with Mario’s personal handwriting to help preserve his legacy as the genius behind one of the leading international lighting brands in the World.

Piccoletto F | White light, either Tungsten or Daylight balanced CCT
Available with either Tungsten (3.200°K) or Daylight (5.600°K) Balanced CCT (Correlated Colour Temperature), in both cases with a CRI higher than 96. The fixture combines the classical SPOT/FLOOD beam control on an equivalent FOCUS RANGE to a conventional lamp Fresnel.

Piccoletto FA | White light, either Tungsten or Daylight balanced
The fixture is an high efficiency Fresnel lens spotlight using a High Output 20W COB (Chip on Board) LED ARRAY and with an enhanced CRI (Colour Rendering Index) higher than 96 for appropriate chromacity performances.

Piccoletto DIM | White light, either Tungsten or Daylight balanced
Available with either Tungsten (3.200°K) or Daylight (5.600°K) Balanced CCT (Correlated Colour Temperature), in both cases with a CRI higher than 96. The fixture combines the classical SPOT/FLOOD beam control on an equivalentFOCUS RANGE

Piccoletto VW | White light, with Tunable Correlated Color Temperature from 2.800° to 6.600° K
The lighting fixture provides the ability to tune the Correlated Color Temperature from a minimum of 2.800°K to a maximum of 6.600°K with an enhanced CRI (Color Rendering Index) higher than 95 at any CCT within the range.

Piccoletto Color | The Miniature LED Fresnel 35W – COLOR TUNABLE
It provides the ability to tune in 360° HUE with 0-100% Sautration and to tune the Correlated Color Temperature from a minimum of 1.650°K to a maximum of 8.000°K with an enhanced CRI (Color Rendering Index) higher than 95 at any CCT within the range.


Aurea 2040W

Aurea 2040W | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Desisti Aurea 2040W – Respecting the values of its past, at each term there was a new beginning, a rebirth. In modern times, I felt the need to identify a new MUSA, the Tenth, inspired by CINEMA, from the name of AUREA. Her BALANCING LIGHT is the Vision. Symbolically Musa of “Intuition”, she represents the sum of all the inspiring forces it feeds on. The “Sezione Aurea”, Islamic concept of the sec. XIII, it is a proportion considered synonymous with perfection. It is the IMAGINATION, it is the Energy, each new one inspiration form of all artists; the poetic formula : E = MxC2, by Albert Einstein. She is the new expressive art of “CINEMA” , Plato sensed it, not naming it, to be able to give that desire of knowledge to the prisoners of his Myth of the Cave, freeing them from ignorance.

The Aurea 2040W is completed in the perfect proportions of: Lo Sphero, from which “The CIRCLE” of LIGHT ILLUMINATING is born. A possible metaphor of a series of SUN rays, shining, penetrating, dazzling … as much as an Artificial Light can. It represents the Realization, the EQUILIBRIUM, the WHOLE

  • Size 150 cm
  • Weight: Head 80 Kg – Driver 12,5 Kg
  • Upcoming dimensions 75 cm and 37 cm
  • Tunable White 2.700°K / 6.500°K
  • Power 2.040W
  • DMX controlled NARROW SPOT
  • Beam Angle 11°
  • Input 90-250V 50-60Hz
  • Illumination at 10mt distance 32.853 Lux / 3,052.14 FC

Clio 480W

Desisti Clio 480W | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The Desisti Clio 480W, part of the EARTH Element, of MULTIFORM LIGHT, is HISTORY with the will to know the truth. She appears to us with a detachment from every kind of fantasy that other muses bring with them. She confronts us with the historical truth that represents us. CLIO has written over time that desperate need of Man to express his destiny. She puts man in front of the facts, in the awareness of his own being, allows us to write history, knowledge after knowledge. Clio helps human beings to believe in themselves, to overcome the difficult moments of theirs life. Its temporary stasis helps to find the right time to understand that we can and must be able to start all over again from the beginning… when necessary.

The Desisti Clio 480W also with the geometric shape of the Esaedro, from which it is born: “The RECTANGLE“, of the uniform LIGHT but as penetrating as his sister Tersicore, albeit with a smaller beam. Its OPTICS are not Flood, to have a good one beam of LIGHT but not too widespread.

  • Size 100×50 cm
  • Weight: Head 28,5 Kg – Driver 5 Kg
  • Upcoming dimensions 50 and 25 cm
  • Tunable White 2.700°K / 6.500°K
  • Power to LED 480W
  • DMX controlled SPOT
  • Beam angle 17°
  • Input 90-250V 50-60Hz
  • Illumination at 10mt distance 5.416 Lux / 503.16 FC

Astera AX5 Triple Par

Astera Ax5 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Optimized for a fast return of investment, the Astera AX5 Triple Par lighting fixture replaces your wireless and wired PARs as well as battery uplight. It’s the ultimate tool for entertainment professionals. Multi-functional bracket to be used as a stand or to hang lights. For a cleaner look when uplighting, the bracket can be slid out.

Quick-release kickstand that allows to angle the fixture within seconds. We offer 3 high-efficiency filters that can be clipped in without additional tools. Domes come with 2 filters for softlighting and as evenly illuminated light ball.

Top hat with built-in honeycomb, narrows your beam and helps to avoid glare. Elegant covers to change your uplight`s colour and make the Astera AX5 Triple Par fit to any occasion.

AsteraApp offers intuitive and fast control of complex lighting setups and is also used for preparation and monitoring of our lights. All Astera lights contain a wireless DMX module by LumenRadio, enabling them to be controlled by CRMX and W-DMX transmitters alongside other wireless fixtures. The AsteraBox has built-in CRMX and can be used to transmit DMX data to your lights. We have included 5-pin XLR in + out sockets for a solid wired DMX connection. This enables the AX5 to be used as a wired PAR for longer installations. The control panel on the AX5’s backside offers control over color, brightness and settings.


Astera AX10 Spotmax

Astera Ax10 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Launched in 2014, the Astera AX10 Spotmax was Astera’s first light of the AX-series and introduced many powerful features: RGBAW LEDs, TruColor calibration, IP65, foldable stand etc. Bracket supports bolts and C-clamp for attaching to truss and stages. Foldable legs becomes handle for easy carrying. Insert the included 32° or Elliptical 17° x 46° Filter to modify the AX10’s beam.

AsteraApp offers intuitive and fast control of complex lighting setups and is also used for preparation and monitoring of our lights. All Astera lights contain a wireless DMX module by LumenRadio, enabling them to be controlled by CRMX and W-DMX transmitters alongside other wireless fixtures. The AsteraBox has built-in CRMX and can be used to transmit DMX data to your lights.

Seamless Runtime – To ensure that your light’s batteries last throughout your entire production, you can select how many hours they have to last. This limits the light’s output to a level where you get the maximum brightness to achieve the selected runtime.

Anti-Flicker – Via the AsteraApp the PWM frequency of the LEDs can be adjusted to ensure that there is no interference with standard cameras. In addition, the light has a green/magenta balance to minimize post-production work.

Emergency Light – With this innovative feature, the lights can double as a battery-powered emergency light. When activated, the fixture can detect power loss and instantly switches to bright white light to illuminate the venue.

Anti-Theft – When enabled, the integrated theft alarm gives visual and audible alarm if lights are being moved. In addition, the AsteraApp also shows the alarm.

Detect all available lights, set them up, check their status, configure DMX addresses and DMX profiles.Quickly build programs out of colors and effects, trigger them or make them match a beat.


Litemat Spectrum 1

Litegear Spectrum 1 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LiteMat is one of the most affordable, professional cinema lighting fixtures available today. It is is based on one “tiled” light engine which are protected by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer. The LiteMat utilizes Velcro® “loop” fasteners to attach numerous accessories. Its lightweight (2.6 lb) and thin profile (0.9 in.) make this fixture ideal for any lighting challenge you encounter.

  • Power: 50W
  • Voltage Input: 48 VDC Power, 5 VDC Signal (PDX Connector)
  • Current: 1.04A
  • CCT Range: 2000K-11,000K
  • CRI: 95+
  • TLCI: 95+
  • Total LED Quantity: 1296
  • Lumens: 3476 (Tungsten), 4180 (Daylite)
  • Colored Light: Full RGB+W color gamut with Hue and Saturation Control
  • Green-Magenta Adjustment: Yes
  • Weight: 2.6 lb., (1.2 kg.) w/ Cable.
  • Dimensions
  • Height: 11.5 in. (292 mm)
  • Width: 21 in. (533 mm)
  • Depth: 0.9 in. (23 mm)
  • Operating Temperature: -10°C to +50°C (-14°F to +122°F)
  • Cable: Attached PDX Cable, 36 in. lead
  • Mount: LiteGear LiteMount
  • IP Rating: 20
  • Certifications: N/A

Litemat Spectrum 2L

Litegear Spectrum 2L | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LiteMat is one of the most affordable, professional cinema lighting fixtures available today. The LiteMat Spectrum 2L is based on two- “tiled” light engines which are protected by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer. The LiteMat utilizes Velcro® “loop” fasteners to attach numerous accessories. Its lightweight (4.6 lb) and thin profile (0.9 in.) make this fixture ideal for any lighting challenge you encounter.

  • Product Name: LiteMat Spectrum 2L
  • Power: 100W
  • Voltage Input: 48 VDC Power, 5 VDC Signal (PDX Connector)
  • Current: 2.08A
  • CCT Range: 2000K-11,000K
  • CRI: 95+
  • TLCI: 95+
  • Total LED Quantity: 2592
  • Lumens: 6952 (Tungsten), 8360 (Daylite)
  • Colored Light: Full RGB+W color gamut with Hue and Saturation Control
  • Green-Magenta Adjustment: Yes
  • Weight: 4.6 lb., (2.1 kg.) w/ Cable.
  • Dimensions
  • Height: 11.5 in. (292 mm)
  • Width: 40 in. (1016 mm)
  • Depth: 0.9 in. (23 mm)
  • Operating Temperature: -10°C to +50°C (-14°F to +122°F)
  • Cable: Attached PDX Cable, 36 in. lead
  • Mount: LiteGear LiteMount
  • IP Rating: 20
  • Certifications: N/A

Litemat Spectrum 4

Litegear Spectrum 4 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LiteMat is one of the most affordable, professional cinema lighting fixtures available today. Its based on four “tiled” light engines which are protected by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer. The LiteMat utilizes Velcro® “loop” fasteners to attach numerous accessories. Its lightweight (7.4 lb) and thin profile (0.9 in.) make this fixture ideal for any lighting challenge you encounter.

  • Product Name: LiteMat Spectrum 4
  • Power: 200W
  • Voltage Input: 48 VDC Power, 5 VDC Signal (PDX Connector)
  • Current: 2.08A
  • CCT Range: 2000K-11,000K
  • CRI: 95+
  • TLCI: 95+
  • Total LED Quantity: 5184
  • Lumens: 13904 (Tungsten), 16720 (Daylite)
  • Colored Light: Full RGB+W color gamut with Hue and Saturation Control
  • Green-Magenta Adjustment: Yes
  • Weight: 7.4 lb., (3.4 kg.) w/ Cable.
  • Dimensions: Height: 21 in. (533 mm)
  • Width: 40 in. (1016 mm)
  • Depth: 0.9 in. (23 mm)
  • Operating Temperature: -10°C to +50°C (-14°F to +122°F)
  • Cable: Attached PDX Cable, 36 in. lead
  • Mount: LiteGear LiteMount
  • IP Rating: 20
  • Certifications: N/A

Litetile Plus 2×8

Litegear Litetitle Plus 2x8 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Litetile Plus 2×8 is the first foldable LED lighting fixture made completely with engineered textiles. LiteTile+ Plus 8 allows the user to install thin, soft, and adjustable Kelvin light into areas previously inaccessible. Because LiteTile+ Plus folds up to 180º between each light engine, the luminaire can be shaped into numerous configurations allowing for 360º, two-sided, or irregularly shaped setups. LiteTile+ Plus 8 can be directly attached to walls or ceiling surfaces such as office drop-ceilings with just spring-clips or tape. The LiteTile+ Plus 8 really shows its versatility when four units are coupled together and attached to a overhead/butterfly 8’ x 8’ frame. That is 1600 W and more than 18,400 cinema quality emitters creating ultra-soft Hybrid light output without the need for additional diffusion.

  • SIZE: 24 in. x 92 in. x .75 in. (610mm x 2337mm x 19mm) (LxWxH)
  • WEIGHT: 7.6 lb, 3.5g
  • CURRENT: 16.67A
  • LED QUANTITY: 4608
  • CRI: 95+
  • CCT: 2600K-6000K
  • LUMENS: 20384
User Guides

Litemat Plus 4

Litegear 4 Plus | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LiteMat Plus 4 is based on four “tiled” light engines which are protected by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer. The LiteMat utilizes Velcro® “loop” fasteners to attach numerous accessories. Its lightweight (6.2 lb) and thin profile (0.9 in.) make this fixture ideal for any lighting challenge you encounter. The head unit features 1152 new CineMitter LEDs and is covered by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer and bordered entirely with Velcro® “loop” fastener.

  • SIZE: 21 in. x 40 in. x .9 in. (533mm x 1016mm x 23mm) (LxWxH)
  • WEIGHT: 6.2 oz, 2.81g
  • CURRENT: 8.33A
  • LED QUANTITY: 2304
  • CRI: 95+
  • CCT: 2600K-6000K
  • LUMENS: 10192
User Guides

Litemat Plus 2

Litegear 2 Plus | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LiteMat Plus 2 is based on two “tiled” light engines which are protected by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer. It utilizes Velcro® “loop” fasteners to attach numerous accessories. Its lightweight (3.8 lb) and thin profile (0.9 in.) make this fixture ideal for any lighting challenge you encounter. It’s square size allows for traditional setups. The head unit features 1152 new CineMitter LEDs and is covered by a thin, clear polycarbonate layer and bordered entirely with Velcro® “loop” fastener.

  • SIZE: 21 in. x 21 in. x .9 in. (533mm x 533mm x 23mm) (LxWxH)
  • WEIGHT: 3.8 oz, 1.72g
  • CURRENT: 4.17A
  • LED QUANTITY: 1152
  • CRI: 95+
  • CCT: 2600K-6000K
  • LUMENS: 5096
User Guides

Astera Titan Tube

Astera Titan Tube | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The Astera Titan Tube is the ultimate LED tube for filmmakers, TV studios and any creative person. It emits powerful, tunable white with ultra-high color rendering as well as colored light which can be applied to individual pixels or the whole tube. The Astera Titan Tube offers unlimited range of usage; indoor or outdoor, AC-powered or on battery, on the go with the AsteraApp, with wired or wireless DMX

A smart control system of your Film Lighting Tubes. Infrared remote, wireless DMX and app work together to enable big setups. Your entire installation can be set up, monitored and adjusted in a fast and convenient way.

It is an efficient tool to wire your LED Lighting Film Tube during jobs with power and data whenever you don’t want to use them wirelessly. In addition, the PowerBox can be stored inside the Helios and Titan Tube Charging case so you can charge your tubes after a job inside the case without having to remove tubes or PowerBox.


Astera Helios Tube

Astera Helios Tube | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Astera Helios Tube is an RGB – Amber – Mint LED lighting Tube that has all the features of the popular Titan Tube while offering a smaller format. It allows mounting in areas where a Titan Tube wouldn’t fit and also increases portability. This LED lighting Tube has 8 pixels, half the brightness of the Titan tube and just over half its length. The Astera Helios Tube Colors and brightness are perfectly matched to those of the Titan Tube`s.

A smart control system of your Film Lighting Tubes. Infrared remote, wireless DMX and app work together to enable big setups. Your entire installation can be set up, monitored and adjusted in a fast and convenient way.

It is an efficient tool to wire your LED Lighting Film Tube during jobs with power and data whenever you don’t want to use them wirelessly. In addition, the PowerBox can be stored inside the Helios and Titan Tube Charging case so you can charge your tubes after a job inside the case without having to remove tubes or PowerBox.


SkyPanel S360-C

Skypanel S360-C | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The ARRI SkyPanel has always been known for its tremendous output and large light aperture. The new S360-C has expanded ARRI’s LED soft light range with the largest and brightest SkyPanel to date. Not only is the S360-C powerful, but it is packed full of exciting features, making it one of the most versatile LED fixtures on the market. Features include full color control, lighting effects on a huge aperture, wireless DMX built in, a unique carbon fiber yoke, and much more. The S360-C is truly a beast of a light.
Unlike other tuneable fixtures, SkyPanel makes no sacrifice when it comes to light output. SkyPanel puts out a tremendous amount of light, in a soft and uniform beam field. Brighter than a 2 kW tungsten soft light or a 6 kW tungsten space light, the SkyPanel S120 has more than enough light for most applications. At the same time, the lamphead is able to perform beautifully at lower light levels. This range of illumination and color gives users an unprecedented amount of control.

Made in Germany to the high standards for which all ARRI products are known, SkyPanel is built to last – constructed from resilient materials and assembled by hand with great care. Other features include an on-board battery input for mobile applications, LAN port for network connectivity, USB-A port for firmware updates via thumb drive, and many more.


LNX Vortex Rigging System

Vortex Rigging System | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The LNX Vortex Rigging System is a first-of-its-kind rigging system that takes the guesswork out of creating arrays of Creamsource Vortex fixtures. The system is comprised of LNX Pins, which slot into the Vortex fixtures, and LNX 4-Way mounts, which accept the pins and serve as the building blocks of the array. The mounts then attach to industry standard pipe, such as Speed-Rail®, ensuring that the LNX system is a seamless addition to existing grip gear. The arrays can be as small as two units and as large as you can fit on a soundstage or construction crane. The LNX system leverages unique stainless steel mounting features integrated into each corner of the Vortex to be able to “link” one unit to the next, only requiring the yoke to first be removed. The arrays that are created using LNX are nearly gapless, with only about 7/8 in. (22.23 mm) separating adjacent fixtures, meaning that considerably more light can be packed into a given area. The quality of the light output is also more uniform, as the LNX system ensures uniformity of the spacing of the array.

Quickly assemble uniform/aligned arrays of Vortex fixtures with minimal gap between units. LNX is the quick solution for creating large rigs. No alignment time, no measurement time, with tidy cable runs. LNX arrays will withstand heavy use – transport and relocation, high levels of vibration and high wind loading. Built for heavy use, indoor or extreme outdoors. The LNX system leverages multiple mount points, making it more robust and reliable than traditional single point fixture rigging. Multiple latches and auto-locking features ensure safety of operators and anyone under the rig at all times. Build as small as two units or large arrays- limited only by your ability to lift the rig.

Use the LNX Vortex Rigging System Calculator to design arrays: go to https://knowledge.creamsource.com/lnx-calculator

Data Sheets

Flexible Bi-Color LED

Brightcast Flexibile Bi-Color | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The BrightCast V15-345 Flexible Bi-Color LED Panel from Kamerar is a 12 x 12″ light source that allows you to bend it into the shape that best suits your subject permitting placement in tight spaces where traditional fixtures just can’t go. The V15-345 has all of the benefits offered by LED use including low power draw and cool running temperature but it’s also dimmable and has color temperature that’s variable from approximately 3200 to 5600K or anywhere in between while maintaining a high CRI of 97 in the tungsten range and 98 in the daylight range. This feature allows you to light creatively, match other fixtures, or deal with the ambient light conditions.

The rugged, shock-proof, V15-345 panel is IP67-rated water-resistant and can even withstand accidental submersion in water up to 3.28′ deep (panel only). With an integrated 5/8″ tilting stand mount, the power supply runs on 100-240 VAC mains power via an AC adapter, making it ready for worldwide use, but you can also run on batteries when mains power is unavailable thanks to the V-Mount control frame. The V15-345 rolls into a cylinder to fit in the included padded, compact carrying case along with its accessories.

  • Light Source         256 LEDs
  • Color Range          2956 to 5678K
  • Color Quality        CRI: 97 @ 5678K, 98 @ 2956K – Re (R1~R15): 95 @ 5678K, 97 @ 2956K
                                    CQS: 93 @ 5678K, 96 @ 2956K – TLCI: 98.1 @ 5678K, 97.6 @ 2956K
  • Operating Voltage        100 – 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz via adapter 14.8 V via optional battery
  • Dimming                Yes
  • Photometrics        At 3.28′ (1.0 m) 1210 lux / 112 fc @ 5678K 1574 lux / 146.3 fc @ 2956K
  • Mount                     5/8″ (16 mm)
  • Dimensions           Panel: Approximately 12 x 12 x 0.5″ (30.5 x 30.5 x 1.3 cm)
  • Weight                   Not specified by manufacturer

Led Blankets

Sourcemaker 2 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Sourcemaker’s Led Blankets are an all-in-one lighting solution that sets up easily and adjusts fast. Our blankets are among the most versatile lighting options in the industry.

Each blanket uses color correct LED ribbon to achieve a wide range of clean color temperatures, ranging from 2675K-6010K. Each LED ribbon strip is encased in a life extending highly durable plastic and can be removed from the blanket. With the included harness, each strip can be used separate from the blanket as an individual light source.
Sourcemaker Led Blankets are ideal for difficult, hard to light areas.

All blankets are modular, and can be attached to each other and DMXed to create larger sources.
Sourcemaker Led Blanketscome in various sizes, and are designed to fit inside standard grip equipment. Accessories are available, including diffusion, skirts, mounting brackets and snapgrids.

  • Fast all-in-one-setup
  • Combine multiple blankets
  • Sealed and secured individual ribbon strips
  • Swap colors in the same blanket fixture
  • Lightweight, roll up design
  • Grommets and velcro system to mount anywhere
  • Fits in carry on luggage
  • Optimized for Sourcemaker dimming products
  • Battery system compatible
  • Custom sizes upon request

Maxi Mix

Lumiere Maxi Mix | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The patent-pending MIX technology features a proprietary blend of six Led: Red + Lime + Green + Blue + Amber + White. This enables the This Led fixture to generate a wide gamut of colors and create accurate Rosco gel matches that have been authenticated by Rosco’s color experts.

The largest and the brightest member of the MIX range of Led fixtures, thid Led is capable of producing up to 7550 Lux (@1M @5500K) – making it the perfect choice for washing your scene in bold colors, luscious tints or flattering, full-spectrum white light. MAXI MIX fixtures can also be tiled together, enabling filmmakers and studio lighting technicians to create large walls of Led light.

Set lighting technicians know that speed is of the essence when the cameras are rolling. There are no complicated menus on thid Led. Simply choose between three different modes: White Mode, Gel Mode and Color Mode, then choose the color temperature, hue or Rosco gel color desired and adjust as-needed. All of these features are available using the fixture’s on-board controls, or via the myMIX app from your mobile device.

  • Part Ref – MAXI-HL-MIX / MFR 29822400A360
  • Part Name – MAXI MIX
  • Metric Size – 120 x 36 x 8,5 cm
  • Metric Weight – 8 kg
  • Imperial Size – 47 x 14 x 3.3 ‘’
  • Imperial Weight – 17.6 lb
  • Max Power – 360 W
  • Type of LED – 1080 (6×180)
  • CRI (Color Rendering Index) – CRI Average > 95 TLCI Average > 90
  • Lux @ 1 metre (3ft) (without any diffuser) – 7377 @3200 / 7550 @5600
  • Lux @ 3 metres (10ft) (without any diffuser) – 1034 @3200 / 1045 @5600
  • Color temperature (with diffuser) – 1700 – 10000°k
  • Battery Powered – Any DC source from 24 – 35 VDC
  • Body Material – 100% Aluminum (except screws)
  • Circuit Board Material – 100% Aluminum

Maxi Switch

Dmg Lumiere Maxi Switch | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

This unique light is the latest (and largest!) edition to the DMG Family. It measures 125 x 74 x 2 cm (4 ‘ x 2.2 ‘ x 3/4 “) for only 12.5 Kg (27 lb), MAXI SWITCH missing its output to an outstanding 520 W LED power.

Bi-colour from 3000 to 5600°k, it is also foldable for easy transportation. Built from two panels joined together by a smart hinge, it can fold, making it easy to transport. The two panels can also work separately and be controlled in “split mode”. The MAXI SWITCH yoke allows 360° rotation for maximum freedom, and can also lock the two panels in any position between flat-open and closed.

Containing the latest remote control technologies (DMX / Wireless DMX / Wi-Fi /Lan), thid Led is the ideal companion on location or key lighting in larger studios.

  • Part Ref – MAXI-HL-SW
  • Part Name – MAXI Switch Light
  • Metric Size – 125 x 75.4 x 2.3 cm
  • Metric Weight – 12.5 kg
  • Imperial Size – 4 ‘ x 2.2 ‘ x 0.8 “
  • Imperial Weight – 27 lb
  • Max Power – 520 W
  • Type of LED – SMD2835
  • Number of LEDs – 8640
  • CRI (Color Rendering Index) – @3200: 91% @5600: 94%
  • Lux @ 3 metres (10ft) (with diffuser) – 1450
  • Color temperature (with diffuser) – 3000 to 5600°k
  • Battery Powered
  • Yes (using 24-28VDC powerbank @ 20Amp minimum)
  • Body Material
  • 100% Aluminum (except screws)
  • Circuit Board Material
  • 100% Aluminum

SL1 Mix

Lumiere SL1 Mix | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The patented MIX technology features a proprietary blend of six LEDs: Red + Lime + Green + Blue + Amber + White. This enables the SL1 MIX fixture to generate a wide gamut of colors and create accurate Rosco gel matches that have been authenticated by Rosco’s color experts.

Filmmakers no longer need to sacrifice F-stops for color-mixing technology. The SL1 MIX can produce bright bold colors, and a powerful volume of white light – all from its ultra-thin, lightweight and robust housing.

Set lighting technicians know that speed is of the essence when the cameras are rolling. There are no complicated menus on the SL1 MIX. Simply choose between three different modes: White Mode, Gel Mode and Color Mode, then choose the color temperature, hue or Rosco gel color desired and adjust as-needed. All of these features are available using the fixture’s on-board controls, or via the myMIX app from your mobile device.

  • Part Ref – SL1-HL-MX
  • Part Name – SL1 MIX
  • Metric Size – 111.8 x 20.5 x 3.7 cm
  • Metric Weight – 4.18 kg
  • Imperial Size – 44 x 8 x 1.4 ‘’
  • Imperial Weight – 9.2 lb
  • Max Power – 200 W
  • Type of LED – 3030
  • Number of LEDs – 576 (96×6)
  • CRI (Color Rendering Index) – CRI Average > 95 TLCI Average > 90
  • Lux @ 1 metre (3ft) (without any diffuser) – 4100 @3200 / 4036 @5600
  • Lux @ 3 metres (10ft) (without any diffuser) – 552 @3200 / 544 @5600
  • Color temperature (with diffuser) – 1700 – 10000°k
  • Battery Powered – Yes (any source from 24 to 35 VDC)
  • Body Material – 100% Aluminum (except screws)
  • Circuit Board Material – 100% Aluminum

Fabric-Lite 350W

Aladin Fabric Lite 350W | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The innovative new bi-color Fabric-Lite 350W, as the name implies, is completely flexible, foldable and offers great flexibility for transport. Mounting options for the Fabric-Lite 350W are virtually limitless, including all types of butterfly, overhead, wall and ceiling mounts, thanks to the integrated Velcro and grommets.

The 3‘x3‘ pan can be easily mounted on a Matthews frame or similar. Each 3×3-foot fabric panel can be used separately, or combined with others to create panels as large as 12×12 feet.
The fixture offers high control over lighting. It is dimmable from1-100% and the color temperature can be adjusted from 2900°K to 6300°K.

The Dimmer runs from main power supply or battery, and has a built-in lumen radio module for DMX control.

  • The foldable design makes it easy to carry around.
  • High Output, High Quality LED – TLCI 97
  • Foldable Design
  • Can be used in a frame with Diffuser and Grid for more control
  • Kit includes Carry Bag for transport
  • Can be arranged with 3 more to create 12 x 12 source

Fabric-Lite 200W

Aladin Fabric Lite 200W | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The innovative new bi-color Fabric-Lite 200W, as the name implies, is completely flexible, foldable and offers great flexibility for transport. Mounting options for the Fabric-Lite 200W are virtually limitless, including all types of butterfly, overhead, wall and ceiling mounts, thanks to the integrated Velcro and grommets.

The 3‘x3‘ pan can be easily mounted on a Matthews frame or similar. Each 3×3-foot fabric panel can be used separately, or combined with others to create panels as large as 12×12 feet.
The fixture offers high control over lighting. It is dimmable from1-100% and the color temperature can be adjusted from 2900°K to 6300°K.

The Dimmer runs from main power supply or battery, and has a built-in lumen radio module for DMX control.

  • The foldable design makes it easy to carry around.
  • High Output, High Quality LED – TLCI 97
  • Foldable Design
  • Can be used in a frame with Diffuser and Grid for more control
  • Kit includes Carry Bag for transport
  • Can be arranged with 3 more to create 12 x 12 source

L-Series L10-C

Arri L.Series L10 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Color temperature, tint and hue can be continuously adjusted from 2,800 K to 10,000 K, between full plus or minus green and RGBW colors.

The L-Series L10-C is the brightest and largest L-Series lamphead to date. Its substantial 10″ Fresnel lens and powerful output allow for more distant fixture placement and the wrapping of light around objects in a natural and pleasing way. At more than twice the brightness of the L7, the L10 is also one of the brightest LED Fresnels on the market.

Tuneability is the cornerstone of all ARRI LED fixtures and much like the L7 and L5, its smaller counterparts, the L10 is fully color tuneable. With the ability to adjust the color temperature from 2,800 K to 10,000 K, as well as the green/magenta point, users have complete control over the color output of the fixture.

In a robust housing that combines aluminum with high-strength, fiberglass-reinforced thermoplastics, the L10 is designed to withstand the stresses of diverse professional environments, from motion picture sets to television studios and everything in-between. This robust construction allows the L10 to live up to the benchmark of rugged durability set by other ARRI lighting fixtures.


L-Series L7-C

Arri L.Series L7 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

In the L-Series L7-C the Color temperature, tint and hue can be continuously adjusted from 2,800 K to 10,000 K, between full plus or minus green and RGBW colors.
L7-Cs with the new LE2 are 25 % brighter than previous L7-C versions.

versions include the following base configuration: 28 mm Spigot (Junior Pin), Inline Switch, Integrated 5-Pin DMX In and Thru.

versions include the following base configuration: 28 mm Spigot (Junior Pin), 1,5 m (5 ft) Cable with Bare Ends, Integrated 5-Pin DMX In and Thru.

versions include the following base configuration: Pole Operation for Pan, Tilt and Focus, 28 mm Spigot (Junior Pin), 1,5 m (5 ft) Cable with Bare Ends, Integrated 5-Pin DMX In and Thru.

The L5 is approximately 45 % brighter than a 300 W tungsten Fresnel, but only consumes 115 watts. When compared to the L7, the L5 is half the weight and size.


L-Series L5-C

Arri L.Series L5 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Color temperature, tint and hue can be continuously adjusted from 2,800 K to 10,000K, between full plus or minus green and RGBW colors.

The L-Series L5-C addition to the L-Series perfectly complements the L7, allowing for more mobile lighting and a wider range of power classes for television studios. Its compact size and low weight allow the L5 to be rigged in tight places and hung from low ceilings. The L-Series L5-C is also ideal for cramped location shoots and interview setups. Low heat allows safer and more comfortable shooting conditions. This versatility and superb light quality make the L5 a highly anticipated addition to the award-winning L-Series family.

New features available on the L-Series L5-C include a powerCON power connector and an on-board battery input that permits industry-standard batteries to power the L5 without any sacrifice in terms of features or light output. The resulting increase in portability opens up whole new application areas, giving productions with the L5 the tremendous freedom to move and work fast.

The L5 is approximately 45 % brighter than a 300 W tungsten Fresnel, but only consumes 115 watts. When compared to the L7, the L5 is half the weight and size.


BI-Flex M7

Aladin Bi Flex M7 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Aladdin is always an quantum leap ahead in technology. We are bringing a brand-new flexible LED Lite on the market and we call it the BI-Flex M7. The Micro LED Technology enables us to build a 1×1 panel with 70w instead of 50w.

High light quality with a CRI and TLCI over 97
Variable color temperature from 2900°K to 5600°K
The BI-FLEX M7 is a small leightweight and easy to transport LED light
Flexible light, small and ready to mount everywhere

  • Flexible LED Panel
  • Lightweight
  • BI-Color: 2900°K-6200°K
  • High output, high quality LED – CRI >97
  • Lightweight aluminium dimmer
  • Can be powered with battery ( V-Mount or Gold Mount)
  • Locking plugs on the connector cables

BI-Flex M3

Aladin Bi Flex M3 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

BI-Flex M3 Aladdin is always an quantum leap ahead in technology. We are bringing a brand-new flexible LED Lite on the market and we call it the BI-Flex M3. The Micro LED Technology enables us to build a 1×1 panel with 70w instead of 50w.
High light quality with a CRI and TLCI over 97.
Variable color temperature from 2900°K to 5600°K.
The BI-Flex M3 is a small leightweight and easy to transport LED light.
Flexible light, small and ready to mount everywhere.

  • Flexible LED Panel
  • Lightweight
  • BI-Color: 2900°K-6200°K
  • High output, high quality LED – CRI >97
  • Lightweight aluminium dimmer
  • Can be powered with battery ( V-Mount or Gold Mount)
  • Locking plugs on the connector cables

BI-Flex 4

Aladdin Bi Flex 4 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

Working with the Bi-Flex 4 is not like working with any other light. Because it is highly portable, throws beautiful variable light, can be mounted just about anywhere.

The new BI-FLEX4 Kit builds off of the original BI-FLEX 1×1 Kit, but this one is 1×4 and can be rolled up into a tube. Exceptionally well-built, splash-proof*, bi-color LED light with superior light output and quality. The color output is adjustable from tungsten to daylight and every point in between, and is completely dimmable from 100% to 10%. Most importantly, the light quality is the best available.

The Bi-Flex 4 panel, at 48“x12“ weights only 2 pounds! This kit includes a professional-grade dimmer with a battery plate built in (V-Lock or A/B Gold Mount) and DMX controls, and a 23ft extension cable. Working with high CRI bi-color light essentially means there is no need to color correction or warming gels (CTO). If you’re shooting a portrait with the light set to full daylight and want to add a touch of warmth for improved skin tone, it’s just a turn of a dial.

If you’re working in tight quarters and there’s no room for a stand, there’s no problem, as you have several other mounting options.
Every BI-FLEX panel has both male Velcro corners and mounting rings, which means you can mount to any surface using female Velcro, screws, nails or even suction cups. And of course, if it’s easier, you can simply gaff-tape the panel to walls, ceilings or poles.
Working with the Bi-Flex is not like working with any other light. Because it is highly portable, throws beautiful variable light, can be mounted just about anywhere, and is easy to use and built to last, it will free you from conventional restrictions and allow you to improve the quality of your work.

  • Flexible LED Panel
  • Lightweight
  • BI-Color: 2900°K-6200°K
  • High output, high quality LED – CRI >97
  • Lightweight aluminium dimmer
  • Can be powered with battery ( V-Mount or Gold Mount)
  • Locking plugs on the connector cables

BI-Flex 2

The BI-Flex 2 is the cinematographer’s choice for a small, lightweight and powerful lighting tool for many applications like: portable interview light or to hide in narrow spaces like elevators, cars or even inside objects for product photography.

The BI-FLEX2 is the first flexible BI-Color LED panel for professional use in television, movie and photographic production with an outstanding light quality and a CRI and TLCI over 97. The BI-FLEX1 is the cinematographer’s choice for a small, lightweight and powerful lighting tool for many applications like: portable interview light or to hide in narrow spaces like elevators, cars or even inside objects for product photography

The BI-FLEX2 runs from main power supply or battery. The BI-FLEX2 comes with a dimmer and a mount for 16mm studs, to mount it onto your stands or clamps and it has on each corner a velcro enabling you to put it where ever you like, for instance to upgrade your old halogen softbox to LED. The BI-FLEX2 is a flexible panel light 30x60cm and less than 5mm thick.

  • Flexible LED Panel
  • Lightweight
  • BI-Color: 2900°K-6200°K
  • High output, high quality LED – CRI >97
  • Lightweight aluminium dimmer
  • Can be powered with battery ( V-Mount or Gold Mount)
  • Locking plugs on the connector cables

BI-Flex 1

Aladdin Bi Flex 1 | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

The BI-Flex 1 is the cinematographer’s choice for a small, lightweight and powerful lighting tool for many applications like: portable interview light or to hide in narrow spaces like elevators, cars or even inside objects for product photography.

The BI-FLEX1 is the first flexible BI-Color LED panel for professional use in television, movie and photographic production with an outstanding light quality and a CRI and TLCI over 98. The BI-FLEX1 is the cinematographer’s choice for a small, lightweight and powerful lighting tool for many applications like: portable interview light or to hide in narrow spaces like elevators, cars or even inside objects for product photography.

The BI-FLEX1 runs from main power supply or battery and comes with a dimmer and a mount for 16mm studs, to mount it onto your stands or clamps and it has on each corner a velcro enabling you to put it where ever you like, for instance to upgrade your old halogen softbox to LED. The BI-FLEX1 is a flexible panel light 30x30cm and less than 5mm thick.

  • Flexible LED Panel
  • Lightweight
  • BI-Color: 2900°K-6200°K
  • High output, high quality LED – CRI >98
  • Lightweight aluminium dimmer
  • Can be powered with battery ( V-Mount or Gold Mount)
  • Locking plugs on the connector cables

SkyPanel S120-C

Skypanel S120-C | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

SkyPanel is available in several sizes: the S30, S60, SkyPanel S120-C, and S360. The S60 is a mid-range model, featuring a light aperture of 645 x 300 mm and accommodating the vast majority of applications. The SkyPanel S120-C is twice as long as the S60, but weighs nearly the same. Its larger light aperture makes a great soft light even better. The S30 is a smaller, more portable version; half the length of the S60, it is perfect for on-the-go mobile applications. The S360 is the largest and brightest SkyPanel with four times the output of the S60 and almost six times the aperture size. The S360 is perfect for lighting large areas with tuneable, soft light. S30 and S60 models are available in fully color tuneable and remote phosphor versions.

Unlike other tuneable fixtures, SkyPanel makes no sacrifice when it comes to light output. SkyPanel puts out a tremendous amount of light, in a soft and uniform beam field. Brighter than a 2 kW tungsten soft light or a 6 kW tungsten space light, the SkyPanel S120 has more than enough light for most applications. At the same time, the lamphead is able to perform beautifully at lower light levels. This range of illumination and color gives users an unprecedented amount of control.

Made in Germany to the high standards for which all ARRI products are known, SkyPanel is built to last – constructed from resilient materials and assembled by hand with great care. Other features include an on-board battery input for mobile applications, LAN port for network connectivity, USB-A port for firmware updates via thumb drive, and many more.


SkyPanel S60-C

Skypanel S60-C | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

SkyPanel is available in several sizes: the S30, SkyPanel S60-C, S120, and S360. The SkyPanel S60-C is a mid-range model, featuring a light aperture of 645 x 300 mm and accommodating the vast majority of applications. The S120 is twice as long as the S60, but weighs nearly the same. Its larger light aperture makes a great soft light even better. The S30 is a smaller, more portable version; half the length of the S60, it is perfect for on-the-go mobile applications. The S360 is the largest and brightest SkyPanel with four times the output of the S60 and almost six times the aperture size. The S360 is perfect for lighting large areas with tuneable, soft light. S30 and S60 models are available in fully color tuneable and remote phosphor versions.

Unlike other tuneable fixtures, SkyPanel makes no sacrifice when it comes to light output. SkyPanel puts out a tremendous amount of light, in a soft and uniform beam field. Brighter than a 2 kW tungsten soft light or a 6 kW tungsten space light, the SkyPanel S60 has more than enough light for most applications. At the same time, the lamphead is able to perform beautifully at lower light levels. This range of illumination and color gives users an unprecedented amount of control.

Made in Germany to the high standards for which all ARRI products are known, SkyPanel is built to last – constructed from resilient materials and assembled by hand with great care. Other features include an on-board battery input for mobile applications, LAN port for network connectivity, USB-A port for firmware updates via thumb drive, and many more.


SkyPanel S30-C

Skypanel S30-C | Rec Rental - Led Lighting

SkyPanel is available in several sizes: the SkyPanel S30-C, S60, S120, and S360. The S60 is a mid-range model, featuring a light aperture of 645 x 300 mm and accommodating the vast majority of applications. The S120 is twice as long as the S60, but weighs nearly the same. Its larger light aperture makes a great soft light even better. The SkyPanel S30-C is a smaller, more portable version; half the length of the S60, it is perfect for on-the-go mobile applications. The S360 is the largest and brightest SkyPanel with four times the output of the S60 and almost six times the aperture size. The S360 is perfect for lighting large areas with tuneable, soft light.

Unlike other tuneable fixtures, SkyPanel makes no sacrifice when it comes to light output. SkyPanel puts out a tremendous amount of light, in a soft and uniform beam field. Brighter than a 1 kW tungsten soft light or a 3 kW tungsten space light, the SkyPanel S30 has more than enough light for most applications. At the same time, the lamphead is able to perform beautifully at lower light levels. This range of illumination and color gives users an unprecedented amount of control.

Made in Germany to the high standards for which all ARRI products are known, SkyPanel is built to last – constructed from resilient materials and assembled by hand with great care. Other features include an on-board battery input for mobile applications, LAN port for network connectivity, USB-A port for firmware updates via thumb drive, and many more.
