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Fisher 10

Fisher 10 | Rec Rental - Grips Dollies

The Fisher 10 is our most popular hydraulic lift beam camera dolly. It is quiet and easy to use, with a reputation for being well-made and low maintenance. Manufactured from the highest quality materials and components to meet the demanding needs of the entertainment industry, this stable, reliable Dolly offers operators a wide variety of accessories. The versatile Fisher 10 dolly also incorporates many features and options suggested by our customers. Engineered and handcrafted to be the most reliable camera dolly available, it has the lowest maintenance of any hydraulic lift beam camera dolly. Grips and rental houses appreciate its outstanding dependability and ease of use.

Fisher 11

Fisher 11 | Rec Rental - Dollies

The Fisher 11 is our smallest Dolly. Lightweight and compact, it is built with the same high quality standards found in all J.L. Fisher products. The Fisher 11 Dolly shares the same controls and characteristics of the Model 10 Dolly and has a complete line of its own accessories. It operates effortlessly on Square or Round Track, making the Model 11 and Model 10 an excellent two dolly combination.
This dolly is engineered and manufactured to meet the demanding production needs of the motion picture, television and video industries. Compact three-way steering and a solid lift beam give operators a wide variety of options.
The reliable, quiet, smooth and safe Model 11 requires minimal maintenance.


Super Falcon II

Cinetech Superfalcon 2 | Rec Rental - Dollies

Super Falcon II today is the best dolly for professional film makers. Characterized by great stability, manoeuvrability, manageability and versatility, it requires the absolute minimum of maintenance. Engineered and designed with the latest technology in structural materials and surface finishes, tested thoroughly to ensure an accurate and reliable operation. This dolly is very resistant so guarantees its performance under every environmental condition.

Dolly can be equipped with two different types of wheels; the standard wheel of selected hardness may be used directly on the studio floor, or on any standard track; and mixed wheel incorporating the standard wheel along with an inflated rubber wheel, excellent flexibility and performance when used on whatever surface even if it is not completely smooth. Steering mode can be quickly changed from four wheel “CRAB” operation, into “ROUND” four-wheel steering and two wheel “CONVENTIONAL” operation or vice versa by simply twisting the steering bar handle.



Cinetech Albatross | Rec Rental - Dollies

Cinetech Italiana is proud to present its brand new Albatross dolly, which has been designed in order to satisfy all the needs of the professional film-maker.

The new dolly is characterized by great stability. Its arm movement is steady and smooth, reaching the height of 130 cm (without risers). The dolly is equipped with an incredibly responsive valve system, guaranteeing an impeccable performance of the arm movement.

Albatross dolly is engineered and designed using the latest modern technology in structural materials and surface finishes, and Cinetech can guarantee it’s accurate and reliable operation under any environmental condition with a minimum need for maintenance.

The Dolly can be equipped with two different types of wheels – the standard wheels of selected hardness can be used directly on the studio floor or any standard track and mixed wheels incorporating the standard wheel along with an inflated rubber wheel guarantee excellent flexibility and performance on any kind of surface, even if it is not completely smooth.



Cinetech Capinera | Rec Rental - Dollies

Cinetech Italiana srl is proud to present our new LIGHTWEIGHT dolly: Capinera. After observing the innovations, the changes and the challenges of today’s productions involving smaller crews, smaller vehicles, smaller cameras and zooms Cinetech came up with a new dolly – Capinera that could match philosophically with all of these concepts. We believe that Capinera is complementary to our other existing products, since there are still many actual situations in productions where heavier cameras and lenses are used and require classic camera movements.

Nevertheless, with this dolly we focused on few key ideas to allow visual story tellers to achieve their creative goals with safety, freedom, light weight, and a small foot print to reach as many locations as possible. For decades we strived to improve the features and the design of our dollies to better serve the people that use them every day.



Goblin | Rec Rental - Dollies

The Goblin is a light and multifunctional dolly. Due to its semplicity, the Goblin can be easily disassembled in various elements in just a few seconds it can be readily transported in a small station wagon and, therefore, it can be used in all locations where the use of dollies with similar characteristic would result difficult. Furthermore, if the hydraulic arm is taken down, the mini crane can be assembled, allowing the lifting of a cameramen and accessories at a height of 180 cm and additional 40cm at the center of the camera lens.

Lem Dolly

Lem Dolly | Rec Rental - Dollies

A lightweight dolly completely articulated.
The Lem Dolly can operate on all measures of track or just about any tube.
All metal is lightweight alloy and steel. Max load is kg.250 (1 o 2 persons).
The LEM can be completed with various accessories.