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Lamps Incadescent

Incandescent lamps are the oldest forms of production of artificial light. This form of production fixture, with the advent of sound recording in the film, was the only one allowed to approach the lighting within the scene without producing the annoying hum of the carbon produced by arcing predominantly used until then. Since the advent of sound on the development of lamps and lighting was continuous and unstoppable.
The luminous efficiency of the filament is linked to the materials used to make the lamp, while the light source colour and durability are closely related to the amount of electricity and depending on the resistance of the filament. Only a maximum of 10% of the current used produces the effect radiant light, the remaining 90% will only produce thermal radiation.

With the voltage growth, the filament increases efficiency and colour temperature, but because of faster tungsten evaporation which it is composed, the overall duration of the lamp is reduced exponentially.

The tungsten evaporation deposited on the wall of glass bulb, in the case of high absorption lamp for large projectors it will produce a blackening with a lower colour temperature. This colour decay, reduced the operational life suitable for the shots. In recent years, to use the technology of incandescent bulb lamps were produced in “hard glass” that ensured smaller bulb size allowing equal dispersion of caloric radiation, the smaller projector size lighting and a longer service life.


Lamps Halogen

In the late 50’s the evolution of the lamp concept of a bulb with tungsten filament is introduced. Lamps popularly called Quartz – Halogen Iodine were born.

The Structure:

In a quartz bulb is placed a tungsten filament in the presence of iodine gas. This gas has proved to be suitable to create a chemical reaction that turns the tungsten, evaporated by the incandescence, produced by the current flow, into solid particles that will be deposited on the filament avoiding to blacken the bulb and allowing a more natural life and a more constant light output.

Technical Features:

The regeneration phenomenon said “halogen cycle” needs, however, that every part of the lamp will maintain a constant temperature of 250 ° C. The quartz cruet does its part by allowing to maintain the gas high pressure introduced and preventing by its hardness, that would produce anomalous swellings at that point causing a temperature lowering that would stop the cycle. The compactness of the lamp resulting from this technology allowed to obtain luminous efficiency much higher than normal incandescent technology, constant colour temperature for a longer period of exercise and life, in proportion to the flows certainly longer. The small size of the bulbs have allowed to the projectors to reach lightness and compactness, since then impossible. The advent of the bulbs with halogen bulbs used in other evacuated glass has further improved data efficiency and durability, making today one of the most economic and accessible systems even if energy costs do not fully adapted to the times.

Dicharge Bulbs HMI

Lamps Dicharge

The dicharge bulbs or HMI, compared to the Incandescent bulbs, the light is generated through a dicharge arch. Special gas fill the cruet joining a color temperature between 5600K and 6000K. The HMI bulbs contains the right combination of haloids of different metals and rare earths like dysprosium, Omio and Thulium, in addition to mercury vapors. From these components was born its name: H is the abbreviation for mercury (Hg), that is mainly used to obtain bulb power that has to be high enough. M is for the metal presence that give the typical effect of the daylight. I is for the addition of a mixed halogenated components (ioduri and bromides) necessary for different functions. The known halogen cyclic process – tungsten in the incandescent and halogens bulbs prevents the tungsten particles, blowing away from the electrodes, will deposit on the inner wall of the bulb. Other cyclic processes make sure that in the hot zone of the arc a high concentration of metals vapors and rare earths will be reached, to produce light.

The structure

The HMI lamp is made in high temperature resistant quartz. Two tungsten electrodes are positioned axially inside a discharge tube that has a cylindrical or ellipsoidal shape. The electricity flow happens through molybdenum sheets very thin, dipped in quartz inside the bulb to keep the gas and they are the electrical link between the base and the discharge tube electrodes.

Light beam and light efficiency

The HMI bulbs offer a light efficiency 3 – 4 times superior then Halogen bulbs of the same power. They require an UV absorbing glass, that come from the lens of Fresnel projectors or from the protection lens of some bulbs included in parabolic systems.

Technical features

To start the discharge process in the gas of these bulbs, a high power ignition is necessary. In this phase the start up will require one second maximum and will be sufficient high power impulses but low Kv. In case of hot restart on high power impulse lighters are necessary to ionize the zone between the electrodes: from 20 to 70Kv are required depending on the bulb power type. Once the cold restart is on, the filling materials (mercury, haloids, rare earth) evaporate in 1 – 3 minutes. At the same time gradually increase the bulb power, the electrical power and the luminous flow until the nominal value will be reached. Color temperature and bulb wattage are higher at the beginning compared to the time while the bulb joined it’s light stability. The color temperature changes, are very relevant at the beginning until the bulb will join the correct one, and they may cause a trick for uncareful users. The use of a Thermocolorimeter can be useful to measure possible differences between lamps new and just used, if mounted on the same projectors.


Lamps Fluorscent

The Fluorescent light obtained its consideration in the photography, cinematography and television fields. The low source required, the low hot temperature emission, and the bulb light spectrum stability contribute to make this bulb successful. This kind of light, at non continuous spectrum, belong today to almost all indoor environments both private and industrial. Fluorescent tubes for cinematography have stability chromaticity and light bundle different from the same bulbs used for indoors or industrial environments, but for the principle their made of, they all keep a high level of radiations in some zones of the spectrum.

The structure
The base principle is that of supplying the light through substances hit by a flow of photons. These bulbs are made by a tube of hard glass that contains low pressure mercury vapors with a small gas quantity required to catalyze the tube. The voltaic arc that comes out from the two electrodes excites the fluorescence.

Technical features
In the family of bulbs that generates white light the bulbs are selected depending on the color temperature required in photography, cinematography and television. The lamps require an electronic system able to produce discharge sequence that will allow to eliminate the “flicker” that may occur. The maximum light efficiency and spectrum and chromatic stability, is reached soon after the start up, but may change if the microclima condition around the tubes is modified due to the presence of filters or any other accessory that increase the thermal concentration along the tube.


Lamps Specials

Infrared Lamps

Sono lampade che grazie alla tecnologia a infrarossi possono essere applicate nei più diversi settori industriali dal riscaldamento all’essicazione, dalla polimerizzazione al catering e nello specifico in: riscaldamento a zone, cabine a infrarossi etc etc

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Germicida TUV Series

Si tratta di lampade che mediante la radiazioni ad ultravioletto (253,7 nm) distruggono batteri, virus ed altri organismi primitivi. Vengono impiegate per la pulizia e disinfezione di aria, acqua (piscine) e superfici.

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Germicida TUV PL-L e PL-S Series

Sono lampade che mantengono l’equilibrio dell’ecosistema in stagni da giardino rendendo l’acqua cristallina, impedendo lo sviluppo di germi e soprattutto non intaccando i pesci e le piante presenti nello stagno.

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10UV-A Series

Sono lampade che mantengono l’equilibrio dell’ecosistema in stagni da giardino rendendo l’acqua cristallina, impedendo lo sviluppo di germi e soprattutto non intaccando i pesci e le piante presenti nello stagno.

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Super Actinic Colour / 03

Hanno uno spettro adatto per lampade fotocopiatrici Diazo per arti grafiche, per fototerapia per il trattamento dell’itterizia nei neonati (sotto controllo medico), in acquariologia per ricreare l’ambiente perfetto in acquari marini.

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Colours Lamps

Si tratta di lampade colorate da impiegare per l’illuminazione di ambienti come bar, sale da ballo e per eventi dove è necessario un ambiente colorato e vivace. Sono anche efficienti in alcune particolari applicazioni industriali.

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Aquarelle Lamps

Lampade da impiegare negli acquari di acqua dolce. In combinazione con le lampade tipo TL D/80 New Generation e/o TL D/90 De Luxe conferiscono ottima luminosità senza alterare l’equilibrio biologico dell’acquario.

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UV Discharge HOK

Sono utilizzate in processi industriali vari quali polimerizzazioni, essiccazioni di lacche, inchiostri, vernici, reazioni fotochimiche varie. Inoltre possono essere installate in grossi impianti di sterilizzazione acqua/aria ecc.

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Medical and Therapy

Lampade /01 e /12 sono impiegate per il trattamento della psoriasi e altre malattie della pelle, le /12 sono anche usate in meteorologia, le /52 invece per il trattamento dell’itterizia neonatale.

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CLEO series bronzers

Piercings, tattoos and lingerie merely accentuate beauty which is already there. As you know, the essential part of beauty is a gorgeous skin. Philips CLEO offers a great variety of tanning lamps for different skin types and different purposes.

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Lamps Connections