GE Philips Osram
Category name
GE Philips Osram
Category name


306,4con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP 4515-10024673
306,4con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP H4515-10015133
306,4con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP H7604-10043576
306,4con viti GEPar 46 Screw Terminal CAP 4535-10024735
3012,8con viti GEPar 46 Screw Terminal CAP 4435-30024577
5012con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP NSP-200016540
5012con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP VNSP-200012892
5012con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP WFL-200016541
5012G 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3300507027
5012G 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/22034005018234
10012con viti GEPar 56 Screw Terminal CAP 4545-10024768
10012GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR163350506834
10012GY 6,35 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.33005064625
10012GY 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3400507023
10012GY 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/21533005014876
10012GZ 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 EFP33505041253
10013con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP 4509X-2541503
10013con viti GEPar 46 Screw Terminal CAP 4537-2-2540822
15024G 6,35 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.33005064640
15024G 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3400507158
15024G 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/21633005013598
150230G 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/24831005030584
150230GX 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.31001507003
20024GX 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1634005064644
20024GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1634005013164
20024GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633505013630
20024GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 EJL34005029150
20024GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 EWF33005011132
200230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended34002564505
25024G 6,35 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.34005064655
25024G 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3400507748S
25024G 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/22334005014874
25024GX 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1634005064653
25024GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1634003513163
25024GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ELC34005037462
25028con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP 4596-2524898
25028con viti GEPar 46 Screw Terminal CAP 4553-2524799
25028con viti GEPar 64 Screw Terminal CAP 4552-2540576
25082GX 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR13320020093510
25082GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR13320025013632
25082GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR13 EXY320020012097
25082GY 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633005093505
25082GY 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633005013830
25082GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 EVW33005011110
250120GY 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16325017593506
250120GY 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16340017513095
250120GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ENH325017538686
250120GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 EXX33002511750
30012con viti GEPar 56 Screw Terminal CAP WFL/underwater-100023427
30012GX 16d PHILIPSPar 56 PRO underwater WFL 40°-200030012Par56FL
30082GX 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1333503593515
30082GX 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1333007093520
30082GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1333503514502
30082GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1333007013634
30082GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR13 EXR33503512092
30082GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR13 FHS33007047614
300120GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 MFL27502000Alupar 56 MFL
300120GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 NSP27502000Alupar 56 NSP
300120GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 WFL27502000Alupar 56 WFL
300120GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended34007564514
300120GY 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633503593518
300120GY 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633503513096
300120GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ELH33503538476
300120GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ENG34501538685
300230G 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/24930005030587
300230GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 MFL28002000Alupar 56 MFL
300230GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 NSP27502000Alupar 56 NSP
300230GX 16d OSRAMPar 56 Aluminium Alupar 56 WFL28502000Alupar 56 WFL
300230GX 16d GEPar 56 MFL-200020852
300230GX 16d GEPar 56 NSP-200020853
300230GX 16d PHILIPSPar 56 PRO FL 25°-2000300Par56FL
300230GX 16d PHILIPSPar 56 PRO SP 12°-2000300Par56SP
300230GX 16d PHILIPSPar 56 PRO WFL 40°-200013029
300230GX 16d GEPar 56 WFL-200020854
300230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended34001564515
300230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended32007564516
300230GX 6,35 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.30005064661
300230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended2900200064662
300230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320020064673
300230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended295020006874P
300230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32001506872P
300230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP81320015039780
300230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended M382900200039785
34036GX 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633007513098
34036GX 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ERV33007541874
36082GY 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633007593525
36082GY 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633007513824
36082GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 ENX33007541705
40036G 6,35 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3400757787
40036GX 6,35 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.32005064663
40036GY 6,35 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/23932005041164
41082GY 5,3 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633007593526
41082GY 5,3 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR1633005014526
41082GY 5,3 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. Dichroic MR16 FXL33003821613
500230GX 16d GEPar 64 CP86/VNSP320030030280
500230GX 16d GEPar 64 CP87/NSP320030030283
500230GX 16d GEPar 64 CP88/MFL320030030287
500230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended2900200064672
500230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320020064674
500230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended32005064680
500230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended3000300064670
500230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended295020006877P
500230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32001506873P
500230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended3200757389
500230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended30003006820P
500230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended A1/244320015039643
500230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP82320015039624
500230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended M402900200039621
500230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended T18305040039717
575230G 9,5 Alum. GEHalogen Single Ended HPL575320030037128
575230G 9,5 Alum. PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended HPL575/SL32004007007
575230GX 9,5 Alum. OSRAMHalogen Single Ended Photo315030093728
60028con viti GEPar 64 Screw Terminal CAP Q4559X-10042552
600230G 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320025064716
600230G 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32003006986P
600230G 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended GKV320025039739
625230R7S 189.1 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen32001507775R
625230R7S 189,1 mm GELinear Halogen P2/10320030019697
650120con viti GEPar 36 Screw Terminal CAP DWE-10041667
650230G 22 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320010064721
650230G22 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32001006993Z
650230G22 GEHalogen Single Ended CP39320010020320
650230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended34001564540
650230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended300075064719
650230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320010064720
650230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended30007506998P
650230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32001006993P
650230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP23320010039654
650230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended T12300075039661
650230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended300040064718
650230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320015064717
650230GY 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended32005064686
650230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended30504506823P
650230GY 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32001506638P
650230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP89320015039640
650230GY 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended T26310040039635
650230GZ 9,5 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.32005064686
650230GZ 9,5 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. DYR32005033248
750230G 9,5 Alum. GEHalogen Single Ended HPL750320030037824
750230GX 9,5 Alum. OSRAMHalogen Single Ended315030093729
800230GX 9,5 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. HX 185305030030949
800230GY 9,5 OSRAMSingle Ended Specialist Proj.32007564730
800230GY 9,5 PHILIPSSingle Ended Specialist Proj.3200757764
800230GY 9,5 GESingle Ended Specialist Proj. A1/24532007539648
800230R 7S 79,4 mm OSRAMLinear Halogen32007564571
800230R7S 117,6 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen320015013477R
800230R7S 79,4 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen320012013162R
800230R7S 79,4 mm GELinear Halogen DXX32007536952
800240R7S 119,1 mm GELinear Halogen P2/11 CLEAR320015023760
800240R7S 119,1 mm GELinear Halogen P2/11 FROSTED320015023761
1000120GX 16d GEPar 64 FFN320080013233
1000120GX 16d GEPar 64 FFP320080013229
1000120GX 16d GEPar 64 FFS320080013227
1000230G 22 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320020064747
1000230G 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32002506983P
1000230G 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP77 FEP320030039738
1000230G22 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32002406995Z
1000230G22 GEHalogen Single Ended CP40320020039655
1000230GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 FL CP/62320030064739/3
1000230GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 SP CP/60320030064737/3
1000230GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 SP CP/61320030064738/3
1000230GX 16d GESuper Par 64 CP60320030093409
1000230GX 16d GESuper Par 64 CP61320030010928
1000230GX 16d GESuper Par 64 CP62320030010930
1000230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended34001564575
1000230GX 6,35 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended32007564576
1000230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320020064745
1000230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended300075064744
1000230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32002006995P
1000230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended30507506996P
1000230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP24320020039651
1000230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended T19305075039657
1000230R 7S 117,5 mm OSRAMLinear Halogen320020064583
1000230R 7S 189,1 mm OSRAMLinear Halogen320020064741
1000230R7S 117,5 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen32003007786R
1000230R7S 189.1 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen320020013989R
1000230R7S 91,8 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen320012013704R
1000230R7S 189,1 mm GELinear Halogen P2/7320030020249
1000240G 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320030093734
1000240GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 FL CP/62320030064739/4
1000240GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 SP CP/60320030064737/4
1000240GX 16d OSRAMPar 64 SP CP/61320030064738/4
1200230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended300040064752
1200230GX 9,5 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320020064754
1200230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended30004006897P
1200230GX 9,5 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32002006895P
1200230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended CP90320020039724
1200230GX 9,5 GEHalogen Single Ended T29305040039723
1200240G22 GEHalogen Single Ended CP93320020030384
1250230R 7S 189,1 mm OSRAMLinear Halogen320030064751
1250230R7S 189.1 mm PHILIPSLinear Halogen32002006358R
1250230R7S 189,1 mm GELinear Halogen P2/12320030019695
2000230G 22 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064777
2000230G 38 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064789
2000230G22 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32004006975Z
2000230G22 GEHalogen Single Ended CP92320040030394
2000230G38 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32004006994Z
2000230G38 GEHalogen Single Ended CP41320040031844
2000230GY 16 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064788
2000230GY 16 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32003206994P
2000230GY16 GEHalogen Single Ended CP43320040020309
2000230GY16 GEHalogen Single Ended CP79320035030497
2000230R7S 142,9 mm GELinear Halogen P2/27320030035338
2000230RX 7S 142,9 mm OSRAMLinear Halogen320030064781
2500230G 22 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064796
2500230G22 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32003506894Y
2500230G22 GEHalogen Single Ended CP91320040030415
2500230G38 GEHalogen Single Ended CP94320040030499
5000230G 38 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064805
5000230G38 PHILIPSHalogen Single Ended32004006963Z
5000230G38 GEHalogen Single Ended CP29320050030505
5000230K 24 s OSRAMLinear Halogen3200100064800
10000230G 38 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320040064815
10000230G38 GEHalogen Single Ended CP83320025012036
12000230GX 38 GEHalogen Single Ended Q12MT26340013048771
20000230G 38 OSRAMHalogen Single Ended320035064818
20000230GX 38 GEHalogen Single Ended Q20MT32320040048773
24000230GX 38 GEHalogen Single Ended Q24MT32320015048776


Lamps Halogen

In the late 50’s the evolution of the lamp concept of a bulb with tungsten filament is introduced. Lamps popularly called Quartz – Halogen Iodine were born.

The Structure:

In a quartz bulb is placed a tungsten filament in the presence of iodine gas. This gas has proved to be suitable to create a chemical reaction that turns the tungsten, evaporated by the incandescence, produced by the current flow, into solid particles that will be deposited on the filament avoiding to blacken the bulb and allowing a more natural life and a more constant light output.

Technical Features:

The regeneration phenomenon said “halogen cycle” needs, however, that every part of the lamp will maintain a constant temperature of 250 ° C. The quartz cruet does its part by allowing to maintain the gas high pressure introduced and preventing by its hardness, that would produce anomalous swellings at that point causing a temperature lowering that would stop the cycle. The compactness of the lamp resulting from this technology allowed to obtain luminous efficiency much higher than normal incandescent technology, constant colour temperature for a longer period of exercise and life, in proportion to the flows certainly longer. The small size of the bulbs have allowed to the projectors to reach lightness and compactness, since then impossible. The advent of the bulbs with halogen bulbs used in other evacuated glass has further improved data efficiency and durability, making today one of the most economic and accessible systems even if energy costs do not fully adapted to the times.

GE Philips Osram
Tax Lamps And Bulbs