GE Philips Osram
Category name
GE Philips Osram
Category name

Dicharge Bulbs HMI

12580GZX 9,5 GEHR Single Ended CSR125/SE/HR560020048461
125207GZX 9,5 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR125/HR6000200HRMSR125
15095GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HTI152W50002000HTI152W
15295GY 9,5 GECold Start CSR152/SE500075022862
20070GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD200/6060002000HSD200/60
20070GZY 9,5 GEHR Single Ended CSR200/SE/HR560020048462
20070GZY 9,5 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI200W/SE6000200HMI200W/SE
20080X 515 GEHR Double Ended CSR200/DE600030048450
200207GY 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD20060002000MSD200
200207GZY 9,5 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR200/HR6000200HRMSR200
20060/-SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI200W/D3/7070003000HTI200W/D3/70
25090GY 9,5 GECold Start CSD250/2/SE8500200027817
25090GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD250/6060002000HSD250/60
25090GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD250/7878003000HSD250/78
25090GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD250/8080002000HSD250/80
250207GY 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD25067003000MSD250
250207GY 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD250/285003000MSD250/2
27050FAX 1,5 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI250W/SE6000250HMI250W//SE
40049SFC 10-4 SI/M4 GEHR Double Ended CSR400/S/DE/70750075022478
40055GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HTI405W/SE XS5800500HTI405W/SE XS
40067GX 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSR400W/6060001000HSR400W/60
40070GZZ 9,5 GEHR Single Ended CSR400/SE/HR600075021853
40070GZZ 9,5 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI400W/SE6000650HMI400W/SE
400207GX 9,5 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR40059001000MSR400
400207GY 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (SA) MSR400/SA5600750MSR400/SA
400207GZZ 9,5 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR400/HR6000750HRMSR400
40049/-SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI400W/D3/757500750HTI400W/DE
57588GX 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD575/6060002000HSD575/60
57588GX 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSD575/7272003000HSD575/72
57595G22 GEHR Single Ended CSR575/SE/HR600075048463
57595G22 GEHR Single Ended CSR575/SE/HR/UV-C560075040460
57595G22 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI575W/SE6000750HMI575W/SE
57595G22 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI575W/SE L60001000HMI575W/SE L
57595GX 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSR575/6060001000HSR575/60
57595GX 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HSR575/7272001000HSR575/72
57595SFC 10 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI575W/GS60001000HMI575W/GS
57595SFC 10-4 SI/M4 GEHR Double Ended CSR575/DE600075048451
57597GX 9,5 GECold Start CSR575/2/SE7200100015378
57597GX 9,5 GECold Start CSR575/2/T/SE versione teatro7200100049492
575207G22 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD575 HR60002000MSD575 HR
575207G22 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR575/HR60001000HRMSR575
575207GX 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD57560003000MSD575
575207GX 9,5 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR575/272001000MSR575/2
575207SFC 10-4 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI5756000750MSI575
57590/95SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI575W/D4/757500750HTI575W/D4/75
650-cap15,8/14,7 cab PHILIPSStrobo XOP PHILIPS - L. 241mm / Amp.12,35600250XOP 7-0F
70070G22 GECold Start CSR700/2/SE7200100049491
70070GY 9,5 GECold Start (SA) CSR700/SA560050015380
70070GY 9,5 OSRAMCold Start HTI705W/SE XS5500500HTI705W/SE XS
70070SFC 10-4 SI/M4 GEHR Double Ended CSR700/S/DE/60600075022493
70072G22 OSRAMCold Start HSR700/6060001000HSR700/60
700207G22 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD70060003000MSD700
700207G22 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR70059001000MSR700
700207G22 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR700/272001000MSR700/2
700207GY 9,5 PHILIPSCold Start (SA) MSR700/SA5600750MSR400/SA
70070/73SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI700W/D4/606000750HTI700W/D4/60
70070/73SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI700W/D4/757500750HTI700W/D4/75
80095G22 GEHR Single Ended CSR800/SE/HR/UC-C6000100022495
1000-cap15,8/14,7 cab PHILIPSStrobo XOP PHILIPS - L. 395mm / Amp.10,75600250XOP 15-0F
1100-cap15,8/14,7 cab PHILIPSStrobo XOP PHILIPS - L. 540mm / Amp.10,55600250XOP 25-0F
1200100G22 28X50 OSRAMCold Start HSR1200/607200800HSR1200/60
1200100G22 30x53 GECold Start CSR1200/2/SE720080049490
1200100G22 30x53 GECold Start CSR1200/2/T/SE versione teatro720080015379
1200100G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR1200/SE/HR600075048464
1200100G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR1200/SE/HR/UV-C560075027764
1200100G38 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI1200W/SE6000750HMI1200W/SE
1200100GY 22 GECold Start (SA) CSR1200/SA580075021849
1200100GY 22 OSRAMCold Start HTI1200W/SE XS5400750HTI1200W/SE XS
1200100SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI1200W/S XS6000750HMI1200W/S XS
1200100SFC 10-4 SI/M4 GEHR Double Ended CSR1200/S/DE/60600075022494
1200100SFC 15,5 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI1200W/GS60001000HMI1200W/GS
1200100SFC 15,5-6 SI/M6 GEHR Double Ended CSR1200/DE600075048453
1200207G22 PHILIPSCold Start (MSD) MSD120060003000MSD1200
1200207G22 30x53 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR12005900800MSR1200
1200207G22 30x53 PHILIPSCold Strike (MSR) MSR1200/27200800MSR1200/2
1200207G38 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR1200/HR60001000HRMSR1200
1200207GY 22 PHILIPSCold Start (SA) MSR1200/SA5600750MSR1200/SA
1200207SFC 10-4 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI1200 W/S6000750MSR1200 W/S
1200207SFC 15,5-6 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI120056001000MSI1200
120095/100SFC 10-4 OSRAMHR Double Ended SharXS HTI1200W/D7/606000750HTI1200W/D7/60
1800100GY 22 GECold Start (SA) CSR2000/SA600075021801
1800100GY 22 OSRAMCold Start HTI1800W/SE XS5600750HTI1800W/SE XS
2000207GY 22 PHILIPSCold Start (SA) MSR2000/SA6000750MSR2000/SA
2500115G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR2500/SE/HR600050048465
2500115G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR2500/SE/HR/UV-C560050040482
2500115G38 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI2500W/SE XS6000500HMI2500W/SE XS
2500115SFA 21 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI2500W/GS6000500HMI2500W/GS
2500115SFA 21 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI2500W/S XS6000500HMI2500W/S XS
2500115SFA 21-12 GEHR Double Ended CSR2500/DE600050048454
2500207G38 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR2500/HR6000500HRMSR2500
2500207SFA 21-12 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI25005600600MSI2500
3000-cap15,8/14,7 cab PHILIPSStrobo XOP PHILIPS - L. 698mm / Amp.185600250XOP 25-0F
4000200G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR4000/SE/HR600050048466
4000200G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR4000/SE/HR/UV-C560050027765
4000200G38 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI4000W/SE XS6000500HMI4000W/SE XS
4000200SFA 21 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI4000W6000500HMI4000W
4000200SFA 21-12 GEHR Double Ended CSR4000/DE600050048455
4000207G38 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR4000/HR6000500HRMSR4000
4000360SFA 21-12 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI40006000600MSI4000
6000123GX38 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI6000W/SE XS6000500HMI6000W/SE XS
6000123S25,5 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI6000W6000500HMI6000W
600012525x51cyl 165mm GEHR Double Ended CSR6000/DE600030048456
6000130G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR6000/SE/HR600030048467
6000130G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR6000/SE/HR/UV-C560030040492
6000207G38 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR6000/HR6000500HRMSR6000
6000207S 25,5x60 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI60006000400MSI6000
1200016030x70cyl 165mm GEHR Double Ended CSR12000/DE600030048457
12000160G38 GEHR Single Ended CSR12000/SE/HR600025048468
12000160GX38 OSRAMHR Single Ended HMI12000W/SE XS6000300HMI12000W/SE XS
12000160S30 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI12000/W XS6000500HMI12000/W XS
12000207G38 PHILIPSHR Single Ended MSR12000/HR6000300HRMSR12000
12000360S 30x70 PHILIPSHR Double Ended MSI120006000300MSI12000
1800022530x70cyl 165mm GEHR Double Ended CSR18000/DE600030048459
1800022530x70cyl 165mm GEHR Double Ended CSR18000S/DE600030048460
18000225G51 GEHR Single Ended CSR18000/SE/HR600025022496
18000225S30 OSRAMHR Double Ended HMI18000/W XS6000250HMI18000/W XS

Dicharge Bulbs HMI

Lamps Dicharge

The dicharge bulbs or HMI, compared to the Incandescent bulbs, the light is generated through a dicharge arch. Special gas fill the cruet joining a color temperature between 5600K and 6000K. The HMI bulbs contains the right combination of haloids of different metals and rare earths like dysprosium, Omio and Thulium, in addition to mercury vapors. From these components was born its name: H is the abbreviation for mercury (Hg), that is mainly used to obtain bulb power that has to be high enough. M is for the metal presence that give the typical effect of the daylight. I is for the addition of a mixed halogenated components (ioduri and bromides) necessary for different functions. The known halogen cyclic process – tungsten in the incandescent and halogens bulbs prevents the tungsten particles, blowing away from the electrodes, will deposit on the inner wall of the bulb. Other cyclic processes make sure that in the hot zone of the arc a high concentration of metals vapors and rare earths will be reached, to produce light.

The structure

The HMI lamp is made in high temperature resistant quartz. Two tungsten electrodes are positioned axially inside a discharge tube that has a cylindrical or ellipsoidal shape. The electricity flow happens through molybdenum sheets very thin, dipped in quartz inside the bulb to keep the gas and they are the electrical link between the base and the discharge tube electrodes.

Light beam and light efficiency

The HMI bulbs offer a light efficiency 3 – 4 times superior then Halogen bulbs of the same power. They require an UV absorbing glass, that come from the lens of Fresnel projectors or from the protection lens of some bulbs included in parabolic systems.

Technical features

To start the discharge process in the gas of these bulbs, a high power ignition is necessary. In this phase the start up will require one second maximum and will be sufficient high power impulses but low Kv. In case of hot restart on high power impulse lighters are necessary to ionize the zone between the electrodes: from 20 to 70Kv are required depending on the bulb power type. Once the cold restart is on, the filling materials (mercury, haloids, rare earth) evaporate in 1 – 3 minutes. At the same time gradually increase the bulb power, the electrical power and the luminous flow until the nominal value will be reached. Color temperature and bulb wattage are higher at the beginning compared to the time while the bulb joined it’s light stability. The color temperature changes, are very relevant at the beginning until the bulb will join the correct one, and they may cause a trick for uncareful users. The use of a Thermocolorimeter can be useful to measure possible differences between lamps new and just used, if mounted on the same projectors.

GE Philips Osram
Tax Lamps And Bulbs